XChange International announce MadeToPrint technology update for QuarkXPress 7 and Adobe Acrobat 8


XChange International, the source for extend­ed tech­nol­o­gy world­wide, are pleased to announce the imme­di­ate avail­abil­i­ty of MadeToPrint XT for QuarkXPress 7 (Macintosh and Windows) as well as MadeToPrint for InDesign CS/CS2 for Acrobat 8 com­pat­i­bil­i­ty. MadeToPrint is an award-winning out­put organ­i­sa­tion tool that pro­vides fea­tures such as batch pro­cess­ing, token-based file nam­ing and flex­i­ble lay­er out­put that go beyond the host application¹s built-in out­put func­tion­al­i­ty. More than that, the XTension allows hot­fold­er based pro­cess­ing of Quark 7 files, thus enabling users to out­put QuarkXPress doc­u­ments com­plete­ly unattended.

MadeToPrint XT was devel­oped to stream­line and enhance one of the most neglect­ed but vital aspects of QuarkXPress: print­ing. At its sim­plest, MadeToPrint XT com­bines all the aspects of a giv­en print job into a sim­ple selec­table item. These can include: the desired print­er on the net­work, any spe­cial set­tings required for that device, page set­up con­fig­u­ra­tion and print dia­logue settings‹including cus­tom sep­a­ra­tion def­i­n­i­tions and registration-mark text and place­ment. Features include the abil­i­ty to auto­mat­i­cal­ly update and relink images before the cur­rent Quark doc­u­ment is output. 

In addi­tion, MadeToPrint XT allows for group­ing of mul­ti­ple print-job def­i­n­i­tions into cus­tom sets that can be invoked at any time to out­put the same doc­u­ment to mul­ti­ple out­put devices, using the para­me­ters spec­i­fied for each device in its own print job. This means that with a sin­gle oper­a­tion, a user can elect to have a doc­u­ment out­put to a black-and-white laser print­er, a colour-proofing device, and a high-resolution image­set­ter ‹ and be assured that all set­tings in all dia­logues are cor­rect. MadeToPrint XT reduces media waste caused by improp­er­ly cho­sen print­er con­fig­u­ra­tions, and allows for unat­tend­ed out­put of QuarkXPress doc­u­ments to any vari­ety of formats.

MadeToPrint XT includes more out­put options and the addi­tion of print styles specif­i­cal­ly devel­oped for PDF and EPS export. The XTension takes away the need to con­fig­ure and dou­ble check out­put set­tings over and over again.
Users sim­ply deter­mine out­put set­tings once ‹ then use them when­ev­er they are need­ed. MadeToPrint min­imis­es efforts for print­ing and file export, and allows users the abil­i­ty to auto­mat­i­cal­ly cre­ate sin­gle PostScript® and PDF pages from with­in multi-page Quark documents.

Features include:
€ Infobar ‹ an option­al, user-definable and auto­mat­i­cal­ly gen­er­at­ed job slug print­ed at the top of every out­put page that can con­tain com­pre­hen­sive infor­ma­tion about the doc­u­ment, the work­sta­tion, and the user ini­ti­at­ing the out­put € Optionally replace spe­cif­ic graph­ics auto­mat­i­cal­ly dur­ing out­put with a uni­form­ly coloured area, based on the graph­ic type or char­ac­ter­is­tics in the file name, to assist in man­u­al film-stripping work­flows € Includes pow­er­ful tools for work­ing with print-to-PostScript func­tions in Adobe Acrobat € Optionally auto-generate a print-file name depend­ing on and com­posed of mul­ti­ple vari­ables includ­ing cur­rent date and time, user ID, doc­u­ment name, page num­ber, last mod­i­fi­ca­tion date and time, name of work­sta­tion or start­up vol­ume, etc.
€ Automatically cre­ate one PostScript file per doc­u­ment, spread, or page € Printing of gal­leries ‹ a cross­breed of thumb­nails and the LaserWriter n‑up fea­ture ‹ with added flex­i­bil­i­ty, very use­ful for print­ing overviews of mul­ti­page doc­u­ments or cus­tomised pre­sen­ta­tions of doc­u­ment lay­outs € Print pic­ture info ‹ print the name of a pic­ture inside every pic­ture box for doc­u­ment­ing and track­ing pic­ture usage for image-intensive pub­li­ca­tions such as catalogues.
€ Automatically cre­ate one EPS for the con­tent of each page rather than print­ing the page. The bound­ing box will be the enclos­ing rec­tan­gle of the ele­ments on that page on a page-by-page basis € Provides batch print capa­bil­i­ties to run a set of print jobs for all doc­u­ments in a select­ed folder

Additionally, the XTension is com­pat­i­ble with AutoPilot XT (sold sep­a­rate­ly), the com­pre­hen­sive, high-end automa­tion tool for QuarkXPress or Quark Publishing System®-based pre­press workflows.

A new ver­sion of MadeToPrint for InDesign/InCopy CS/CS2 is avail­able as well, boast­ing the same time and money-saving fea­tures for users of InDesign. Besides offer­ing new func­tions like Acrobat 8 Distiller com­pat­i­bil­i­ty for PDF cre­ation and effi­cient load bal­anc­ing, the new ver­sion com­pris­es var­i­ous opti­mi­sa­tions and debugs.

MadeToPrint XT and MadeToPrint for InDesign/Incopy are avail­able now through XChange International. To order, or for more infor­ma­tion, users can vis­it www​.xchangeuk​.com, or call on +44(0)20 7490 4455 dur­ing UK busi­ness hours.
Email address is info@​xchangeuk.​com.

XChange are a lead­ing sup­pli­er of desk­top graph­ic and pub­lish­ing appli­ca­tions, QuarkXTension® tech­nol­o­gy; Adobe InDesign®, Acrobat® and Photoshop® Plug-ins® and oth­er design and pub­lish­ing util­i­ties. XChange offer extend­ed tech­nol­o­gy prod­ucts from across the world spe­cif­ic to the graph­ic design, print and pub­lish­ing indus­tries and make them avail­able to an exten­sive user base via their print­ed cat­a­logue or online at their web site. The com­pa­ny are head­quar­tered in Central London and also offer spe­cial­ist train­ing on many of the solu­tions they sell.