XChange International announce release of MagazineXT production management tool for QuarkXPress 4, 5 & 6


London, UK ‹ XChange International, the source for extend­ed tech­nol­o­gy world­wide, are pleased to announce the release of the MagazineXT XTension for QuarkXPress. MagazineXT allows users to mon­i­tor the progress of their mag­a­zine edi­tions through their web brows­er or via email as they are pro­duced. Sending pre­views of Quark pages as email attach­ments and reduc­ing pre-press and make good costs based on the warn­ing alerts pro­vid­ed by MagazineXT are just a few of the product¹s ben­e­fi­cial features.

The HTML Preview func­tion exports doc­u­ment page pre­views in spec­i­fied time incre­ments, or when­ev­er the doc­u­ment is saved so that users can con­tin­u­ous­ly mon­i­tor their job sta­tus via their web brows­er. In the Preview Resolution field of the pref­er­ences dia­logue is user defin­able ‹ the high­er the num­ber, the bet­ter res­o­lu­tion of the export­ed page previews.

The XTension address­es the prob­lem that man­age­ment has no access to infor­ma­tion about the progress of pro­duc­tion, the page lay­out pre­views and whether all adver­tise­ments expect­ed have been insert­ed into an issue unless they actu­al­ly walk into the pro­duc­tion stu­dio and man­u­al­ly review each lay­out. With MagazineXT, man­age­ment can view the rel­e­vant doc­u­ment pages from the com­fort of their desk as they are being pro­duced by the pro­duc­tion team.

Users can access both a thumb­nail pre­view of the document¹s pages as they are being pro­duced along with a full size page pre­view. Users can also pre­view pre­vi­ous­ly pub­lished issues by select­ing a desired date and spec­i­fy­ing the range of pages they want to pre­view from pri­or edi­tions of the pub­li­ca­tion ‹ the desired por­tion of the pub­li­ca­tion is then acces­si­ble for pre­view from their web browser.

MagazineXT also pro­vides users the abil­i­ty to email a pre­view of any doc­u­ment page from QuarkXPress, enhanc­ing the com­mu­ni­ca­tion process and facil­i­tat­ing the flow of work. Users can also email page ranges. The XTension will then attach the pre­views of the spec­i­fied pages to an email.
To view a spe­cif­ic page pre­view, a man­ag­er sim­ply clicks on the rel­e­vant page. User defin­able infor­ma­tion includ­ing user name, phone exten­sion and email address are also included.

Finally, a Warning Manager alerts users to dif­fer­ent prob­lems through a cus­tomised Warnings List. The Warning List allows users to view select­ed warn­ings relat­ed to the document¹s page elements.

Based upon the user defin­able pref­er­ence set­tings, MagazineXT dis­plays warn­ings for:
€ Missing pic­ture files
€ Overflow text boxes
€ Cropped pictures
€ Pictures having:
‑A Resolution under a pre­de­fined dpi value
‑A pre­de­fined colour mode (RGB, HSB, LAB, Greyscale, etc…)
‑A spe­cif­ic file for­mat (JPEG, TIFF, GIF, EPS, PSD, etc…)
‑Non-uniform scal­ing ratios

System Requirements:
€ Power PC G3 or faster Processor
€ 128MB Available Memory / RAM (XPress Requirement) € 230 MB Available Hard-disk Space (XPress Requirement) € CD-ROM Drive (for instal­la­tion) € Mac OS 9: QuarkXPress ver­sion 4.1 and 5.0 € Mac OS X: QuarkXPress ver­sion 6.1 and 6.5 € QuickTime

MagazineXT is avail­able through XChange International for £299.00/$495.00.
To order, or for more infor­ma­tion, users can vis­it www​.xchangeuk​.com, or call on +44(0)20 7490 4455 dur­ing UK busi­ness hours. Email address is info@​xchangeuk.​com.

XChange are a lead­ing sup­pli­er of desk­top graph­ic and pub­lish­ing appli­ca­tions, QuarkXTension® tech­nol­o­gy; Adobe InDesign®, Acrobat® and Photoshop® Plug-ins® and oth­er design and pub­lish­ing util­i­ties. XChange offer extend­ed tech­nol­o­gy prod­ucts from across the world spe­cif­ic to the graph­ic design, print and pub­lish­ing indus­tries and make them avail­able to an exten­sive user base via their print­ed cat­a­logue or online at their web site. The com­pa­ny are head­quar­tered in Central London and also offer spe­cial­ist train­ing on many of the solu­tions they sell.