Zevrix Solutions Releases InPreflight 2 Public Beta for Adobe InDesign


Toronto (ON), Canada–MAY 13, 2007–Zevrix Solutions today announced the release of pub­lic beta of InPreflight 2, a new ver­sion of its com­pre­hen­sive qual­i­ty con­trol solu­tion for Adobe InDesign.
InPreflight lets users quick­ly and eas­i­ly locate poten­tial prob­lems and pro­duce error-free InDesign documents.

InPreflight pro­vides a robust, fast, user-friendly and afford­able pre­flight solu­tion for ser­vice providers, print­ers, ad agen­cies, design­ers and pub­lish­ing hous­es. It gives exten­sive infor­ma­tion on all doc­u­men­t’s fonts, col­ors and links and allows to quick­ly spot poten­tial prob­lems accord­ing to user defined pre­flight settings.
InPreflight saves users hours of check­ing their doc­u­ments man­u­al­ly and deal­ing with con­se­quences of cost­ly mistakes.

The new ver­sion intro­duces a pow­er­ful built-in pack­ag­ing fea­ture which lets users pre­flight and pack­age mul­ti­ple doc­u­ments to a sin­gle fold­er or sep­a­rate­ly. Other improve­ments include updat­ing of font sta­tus, infor­ma­tion on col­or mode of Adobe Illustrator files, list of embed­ded fonts in vec­tor EPS and the option to ignore mas­ter page links dur­ing pre­flight­ing. The final ship­ping release of InPreflight
2 is planned for June 2007.

Availability and System Requirements
InPreflight 2.0 pub­lic beta can be down­loaded from the Zevrix Solutions web site http://​www​.zevrix​.com/​d​e​m​o​d​o​w​n​l​o​a​d.html. Beta- testers who pro­vide feed­back will receive a free copy of InPreflight (details includ­ed with the pub­lic beta package).
InPreflight 2.0 pub­lic beta is a Universal Binary, avail­able for Mac OS X 10.4.2 and high­er and works with Adobe InDesign CS, CS2 and CS3.

About Zevrix Solutions
Zevrix Solutions is ded­i­cat­ed to devel­op­ing pro­duc­tiv­i­ty solu­tions for Adobe Creative Suite soft­ware, graph­ic file diag­nos­tics and FileMaker Pro on Mac OS. Zevrix Solutions is locat­ed in Toronto (ON), Canada.