Graphs and Charts of Unlimited Creativity in Illustrator

Charts and graphs don’t have to be bor­ing. In fact, using Adobe Illustrator, they can be down right amaz­ing! Whether you import data from Excel, Apple Numbers, Google Docs Spreadsheet, or anoth­er data set or fill in the num­bers direct­ly in Illustrator, you can be cre­at­ing gor­geous, high­ly illus­tra­tive, option­al­ly 3D pie charts, bar charts, col­umn charts, radar charts, and many more in just min­utes! Why have bor­ing old Excel-style charts and graphs when you can have unlim­it­ed cre­ativ­i­ty to make your charts and graphs leap off the page and com­mu­ni­cate facts and fig­ures in an engag­ing way?

In this 2‑hour on demand work­shop you will learn how to do exact­ly that in easy to fol­low step-by-step instruc­tion com­plete with les­son files and live exam­ples you can take­away to copy or tweak.

Having a basic under­stand­ing of using Adobe Illustrator CS3/CS4/CS5 is required to get the most out of this workshop.

Watch this webi­nar on demand, on your sched­ule, with the abil­i­ty to pause, stop, re-start, fast-forward, and rewind the record­ing. You can view it as often as you like with­in the 90 day rental window.

Watch On Demand Now

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