InDesign to iPad: Digital Magazine Design & Deployment, Start to Finish

A Master Class inten­sive 2‑day sem­i­nar using InDesign, Adobe Digital Publishing Suite, Aquafadas, and more to go from blank page through to pro­duc­ing a pol­ished inter­ac­tive dig­i­tal mag­a­zine run­ning on the iPad. The same pub­li­ca­tion will also run on Android-based tablets like the Samsung Galaxy Tab, the Motorola Xoom, and oth­er tablets. This course teach­es afford­able dig­i­tal magazine/catalog pro­duc­tion, not just Adobe’s $495 month­ly and $395 options.
“‘Print’ and ‘pub­lish­ing’ no longer mean just ink on paper. Publishing pro­fes­sion­als need to embrace that con­cept in order to stay rel­e­vant, to stay employ­able. They need to get on top of dig­i­tal pub­lish­ing now.” —Pariah S. Burke, 20-year pub­lish­ing and graph­ic work­flow expert.

In this inten­sive 2‑day Webinar (5 hours per day), pre­sent­ed by Pariah Burke, we’ll start with a blank page and fin­ish with a pol­ished inter­ac­tive dig­i­tal mag­a­zine ready to pub­lish to the iPad App Store or Android App Market. The same pub­li­ca­tion will also run on Android-based tablets like the Samsung Galaxy Tab, the Motorola Xoom, and oth­er tablets.

The details of what you will learn are con­tained in the Session Schedule below.

Recordings: All atten­dees will receive access to the record­ing of the event for 60 days fol­low­ing the event.

Prerequisites: This sem­i­nar is aimed at indi­vid­u­als who already have a work­ing knowl­edge of Adobe InDesign (CS3, CS4, CS5, or CS5.5). It is also high­ly rec­om­mend­ed that you first attend, or watch the video course of, the ePublishing Workflow Webinar.

Webinar Format & Recording

The Webinar is an inten­sive course con­sist­ing of two con­sec­u­tive 5‑hour days. Each day includes a 1 hour lunch break and two 15-minute breaks. The Webinar will be deliv­ered elec­tron­i­cal­ly via Adobe Connect, the best of breed online meet­ing and sem­i­nar sys­tem. Video and audio will be trans­mit­ted live through Adobe Connect. You may par­tic­i­pate in the Webinar from any­where in the world with a high-speed Internet con­nec­tion. The URL of the Webinar, as well as your login user­name and pass­word, will be sent to you via e‑mail a few days before the event begins.

Following the event you will be able to view a record­ing of the event online. You will be able to pause, stop, start, fast-forward, and rewind the record­ing for view­ing on your sched­ule. A link to the record­ing will be e‑mailed to you with­in 1–5 busi­ness days fol­low­ing the con­clu­sion of the live event.

Buy Tickets Now

Ticket sales man­aged by EventBrite.

Watch On Demand Right Now

Can’t wait until the next live webi­nar? You can watch the full record­ing of the InDesign to iPad: Digital Magazine Design & Deployment Webinar live online instantly.

Session Topics

Defining Rich Media Publications

Enhanced ebooks

Examples of rich media pub­li­ca­tions on the iPad

Formats, Creation Tools, and Costs of Market Entry

PDF-Based Publications

Flash-Based Publications

The Adobe Digital Publishing Suite for Enterprise Publishers

The Adobe Digital Publishing Suite for Medium Publishers

The Adobe Digital Publishing Suite for Freelancers & Design Studios

Woodwing’s Digital Magazine Tools

RovingBird ePublisher Pro for Enterprise Publishers

RovingBird ePublisher Advanced for Medium Publishers

RovingBird ePublisher for Freelancers & Design Studios

Mag+, Aquafadas, PixelMag, and Other Digital Publishing Solutions for All Publishers

Rich Media Publication Foundations

Layout require­ments

Pages sizes

Repurposing print pub­li­ca­tions to dig­i­tal publications

Content man­age­ment con­sid­er­a­tions unique to iPad/tablet publishing

Efficiency tech­niques to save time and trou­ble when build­ing and updat­ing lay­outs for por­trait and land­scape tablet reading

Master page best practices

Paragraph and char­ac­ter style best practices

Basic Interactivity

Internal and exter­nal hyperlinks

Creating click­able coverlines

Creating head­ers and footers

Using page numbers

Building a user-friendly page-level nav­i­ga­tion system

Creating a click­able table of contents

Employing text variables

Adding Audio, Video, and Animation

Supported for­mats

Preparing audio and video

Placing and siz­ing mul­ti­me­dia content

Advanced mul­ti­me­dia controls

Advanced Interactivity

Buttons—they aren’t what they sound like

Creating rollover image galleries

Creating video galleries

Replacing text con­tent with buttons

Creating scrolling text frames

Adding panora­mas and rotat­able 3D content

Publishing and Imposition

Finalizing Flash-based publications

Finalizing PDF-based publications

Combining page ver­sions into a sin­gle publication

Finalizing pub­li­ca­tions in Adobe Digital Publishing Suite

Finalizing pub­li­ca­tions in RovingBird ePublisher

Deploying and Distributing

Testing your pub­li­ca­tions live on the iPad and online

Deploy dig­i­tal pub­li­ca­tions to the iPad App Store via Adobe Content Server

Deploy dig­i­tal pub­li­ca­tions to the iPad App Store via RovingBird ePublisher Pro pub­lish­ing system

Direct dis­tri­b­u­tion of Flash- and PDF-based dig­i­tal publications

Third-party dis­trib­u­tor and pay­ments sys­tems to man­age sub­scrip­tions to your publications

Video Clips

Clips from InDesign to iPad (live Webinar and video course).

Pan and Zoom Overlay Creation

In Attendees' Own Words

Attendees of the ePublishing Workflow Webinar, the foun­da­tion class for InDesign to iPad, have a lot to say about the con­tent, the pre­sen­ter, and their futures.

You gave me ePublishing and more today. Thank you so much.…I can exceed our web stuff and be in more con­trol, give bet­ter infor­ma­tion in bet­ter ways, and give [our pub­li­ca­tions] vavavoom!
—Penny, Genius Solutions, Inc.
Pariah knew his stuff. He was easy going, han­dled the online envi­ron­ment nat­u­ral­ly, and made the par­tic­i­pants feel like he was on their team…Pariah was fun and knowledgable.
—Andrew G.
[I obtained] a clear vision of the world of elec­tron­ic publishing. 
—Claudio Marconato, Adobe Certified Instructor
Lots of new info.
—Joe, Model Railroad Hobbyist Magazine
[I learned] rich-media ecat­a­log [design].
—Naoto, StoneRiver Company
A good intro­duc­tion to the ePublishing world. I am just start­ing my own free­lance busi­ness and need­ed to see what the newest things are that I should get involved with and this is it!…I have had some offers to illus­trate a chil­dren’s book and a book of poet­ry, This gives me a resource to make… chil­dren’s books and books of poet­ry… inter­ac­tive and reach a whole oth­er audience.
—Kelly R.
This ses­sion has been fan­tas­tic, and I have learned so much. After near­ly 20 years in the print world, I and my cus­tomers rec­og­nize that we must make the change to dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tion or face extinction. 
—Caroline, Wild Pete Publishing, Inc.
Lots of insid­er tid­bits! Especially for mar­ket­ing and selling. 
—Lisa K.
All of it–it was all valu­able and enlight­en­ing. Everything–from the valu­able resources, to the hands-on things in InDesign that I had­n’t seen before. I will be using these skills imme­di­ate­ly and in the future. 
—Denise, Design4 Graphic & Web Design
I liked Pariah’s intro of him­self: “I like to help peo­ple.” Distilled to the very essence of his pur­pose in life.
—Jan, J.L. Carpenter Design
[I learned] many, many skills, includ­ing some I can use for imme­di­ate application. 
—Roger K.
A BIG WOW in Artwork & Graphic Images
Every sin­gle bit of it invaluable. 
—Grace F.
I was very hap­py with the val­ue I received from this webinar…I got a lot more out of it than I had antic­i­pat­ed… It was my birth­day present to myself and I’m so glad I indulged! 
—Michelle, Project Design Inc.
Pariah is a great speak­er and so much fun to lis­ten to. He has a great way of giv­ing both overviews and specifics. 
—Aimee, The Creative Slant
I am very glad I was able to find your sem­i­nar, because this work­shop came in just in time for my career.
—Michelle W., Freelance Designer
The actu­al demon­stra­tion of how to cre­ate epubs, infor­ma­tion about which for­mats are used by which eread­ers, and which fonts, I found most useful…I had not real­ized that it’s that easy to cre­ate a (sim­ple) epub. 
—Margaret B., Editor
Gave me all of the info I would have want­ed to know to start down the path of e‑publishing…As a novice InDesign CS5 user, I feel a lot more con­fi­dent about being able to design a pub­li­ca­tion and see it published. 
—Sandra, SoVisual
This work­shop pre­sent­ed a com­pre­hen­sive view of the capa­bil­i­ties, tech­nolo­gies and mar­ket­ing of epub­li­ca­tions. Having that end-to-end under­stand­ing opened ideas I did not have before the class.
—Karen B.
I gained con­fi­dence about offer­ing ePUB ser­vices to clients, and excit­ed about this oppor­tu­ni­ty for my business…Most use­ful to me: info on how and where to get ePUBs into the mar­ket, types of for­mats and how and where they’re used.
—Rock, Tomato Graphics
I like the open con­ver­sa­tion with oth­er atten­dees. I liked that a wide breadth of con­tent was covered…I gained a bet­ter under­stand­ing and more ammu­ni­tion on how to explain that cre­at­ing ePublications, both inter­ac­tive and for eReaders, isn’t just a mag­ic click of a but­ton like man­age­ment seems to think. 
—Paul, St. Mary’s Press
Our newslet­ter will now be a inter­ac­tive PDF and we are very excit­ed to start cre­at­ing it! 
—Stephanie, Birdville ISD
Pariah’s insights into the future and rec­om­men­da­tions for inno­va­tors, artists, authors, and small pub­lish­ers to cap­ture their mar­ket share was most useful…Skills I learned that I can apply to my job: how to trou­bleshoot file for­mats to sub­mit ebooks direct­ly into var­i­ous devices, unique approach­es of adding val­ue to our books/services.
—Fassil, Nyala Publishing
All was very use­ful! I’m so hap­py with all!…Skills I learned that I can apply to my job: ePUB and Kindle for­mats, how to get an ISBN and sell [ebooks] in the Apple store. 
—Samuel, Katalog / Campitomedia
Very thorough!…[Pariah] clear­ly knows a ton about the whole world of eBooks. The InDesign work will help me pro­duce my first eBook with the “enhanced” fea­tures that I did­n’t know how to do.
—Tali, Astrostyle

Join the ePublishing Revolution!

As mag­a­zines, books and news­pa­pers rapid­ly con­vert to dig­i­tal for­mat, it’s clear the Electronic Publishing Revolution is final­ly and ful­ly under­way. Notable peri­od­i­cals such as Wired, Sports Illustrated, and Popular Mechanics have made the dig­i­tal switch, along with the Wall Street Journal and New York Times. Colleges and uni­ver­si­ties are begin­ning to offer text­books in dig­i­tal for­mat; in a September, 2010 edi­tion of Newsweek, the notion was pre­sent­ed that dig­i­tal text­books are replac­ing tra­di­tion­al ones in the class­room. Barnes & Noble and Borders both have a sec­tion of their web sites ded­i­cat­ed to dig­i­tal textbooks.

Interactivity is being added to the basic PDF ebook for­mat, using Flash and oth­er tech­nolo­gies, giv­ing the con­sumer a rich and engag­ing expe­ri­ence, far beyond that of a tra­di­tion­al print­ed document.

Just how pop­u­lar are ebooks and oth­er elec­tron­ic pub­li­ca­tions? Amazon has declared the Kindle its best-selling prod­uct, with over 630,000 ebooks now avail­able from Amazon​.com. In a four-month peri­od end­ing in August 2010, Apple announced sales of 3 mil­lion iPads, and more slate PCs and ebook read­ers are rush­ing to mar­ket com­pete with the iPad.

Within five years there will be more dig­i­tal con­tent sold than phys­i­cal con­tent. Three years ago, I said with­in ten years but I real­ized that was wrong – it’s with­in five.Steve Haber, pres­i­dent of Sony’s dig­i­tal read­ing busi­ness divi­sion as told to The Telegraph

With all of this activ­i­ty tak­ing us fur­ther from the print­ed word and lead­ing us to this new dig­i­tal fron­tier, this is the time to take action and join the rev­o­lu­tion. Our inten­sive two-day webi­nar, the ePublishing Workflow Webinar, will guide you through the process, teach you the tools and knowl­edge you need to cre­ate ebooks, e‑magazines, e‑catalogs, and oth­er elec­tron­ic pub­li­ca­tions, and to suc­cess­ful­ly deploy them in the market.

Digital pub­li­ca­tions can be cre­at­ed from a vari­ety of appli­ca­tions, and we will walk you through the process using the most pop­u­lar soft­ware. We’ll explain the dif­fer­ence between ePUB, PDF, and Flash for­mats, show­ing you the pros and cons of each, and help­ing you decide which for­mat is best for your content.

The webi­nar not only shows you how to pro­duce ebooks, but also cov­ers for­mat­ting HTML and edit­ing the CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), to con­trol the look and feel of your doc­u­ments. You’ll learn how to add graph­ics, sound, video, and Flash con­tent for the rich­est expe­ri­ence to the end user.

Facts About Electronic Publishing Today

As more com­pa­nies plan to release new eBook read­ing devices by the end of 2010, the elec­tron­ic pub­li­ca­tion mar­ket con­tin­ues to expand rapidly.

  • More than 3 mil­lion iPads have been sold between April and August 2010. After lan­guish­ing for years as a large­ly untapped mar­ket, the release of the sleek, multi-function iPad final­ly con­vinced the main­stream mar­ket of the con­ve­nience, util­i­ty, and plea­sur­able read­ing expe­ri­ence of ebooks, e‑magazines, and oth­er elec­tron­ic publications.
  • In the same time frame 4 mil­lion Kindles had been sold; Amazon boasts the Kindle as its most pop­u­lar product.
  • Amazon sold 3 times as many Kindle ebooks in the first half of 2010 as in the first half of 2009. Amazon now has over 630,000 books avail­able for the Kindle.
  • The iPad is not alone. In September 2010 BlackBerry announced the BlackBerry PlayBook, a tablet com­put­er tar­get­ed at the Enterprise, but with plen­ty of pow­er for the Small Office/Home Office and even con­sumer crowd. The PlayBook bests the iPad in many fea­tures, includ­ing full sup­port for Flash-powered games and pub­li­ca­tions, mul­ti­task­ing (run­ning mul­ti­ple appli­ca­tions at once), a built-in video con­fer­enc­ing cam­era, and many oth­er features.
  • In October Microsoft announced that tablet devices and e‑readers run­ning Microsoft Windows Mobile 7 will be avail­able by Christmas 2010.
  • Magazines are going elec­tron­ic. Currently deployed on the iPad, smart phones, and oth­er mobile media are inter­ac­tive, digital-only ver­sions of the fol­low­ing perodicals: 
    • Wired Magazine
    • Sports Illustrated
    • Fortune Magazine
    • PEOPLE Magazine
    • Maxim
    • And dozens of others.
  • Newspapers are going dig­i­tal. Currently deployed on the iPad, smart phones, and oth­er mobile media are inter­ac­tive, digital-only ver­sions of the fol­low­ing dai­ly newspapers: 
    • The Wall Street Journal
    • USA Today
    • The New York Times
    • Dayton Daily News
    • The Chinadaily
    • And more every week.
  • Catalogs are going dig­i­tal. Consumers are car­ry­ing in their pock­ets and purs­es ware­hous­es worth of prod­uct list­ings in the form of elec­tron­ic cat­a­logs deployed on the iPad, smart phones, and oth­er mobile media. A few of the brands that have tak­en advan­tage of the media just since the iPad was released in April 2010 include: 
    • Pottery Barn
    • Arhaus Furniture
    • SoundScreen
    • SkyMall
    • Ticket Master
    • And more almost daily.
  • 99.26% of all the com­put­ers, tablets, and mobile devices in the world can open Flash-based publications.
  • PDFs are still the num­ber 1 type of rich con­tent, inter­ac­tive elec­tron­ic publications.
  • There is a free PDF read­er avail­able for every com­put­er oper­at­ing sys­tem, tablet device, and smart phone.
  • Author Seth Godin, author of 12 world­wide best­selling books announced in 2010 that he has com­plete­ly moved away from tra­di­tion­al print­ed book pub­lish­ing. All of his future books will be pub­lished exclu­sive­ly in elec­tron­ic format.
  • Electronic pub­lish­ing skills are in demand for new hires and con­trac­tors. A search of DesignJobsLive​.com, Monster​.com, and oth­er reg­u­lar employ­ment and free­lance job sites revealed more than 400 open­ings look­ing for skills relat­ed to elec­tron­ic pub­lish­ing lay­out, design for elec­tron­ic pub­lish­ing, or elec­tron­ic pub­li­ca­tion project man­age­ment (date of sam­ple: September 28 2010).
  • According to the Association of American Publishers audio book sales for 2009 totaled $192 mil­lion, down 12.9% on the pri­or year. E‑books over­took audio­books in 2009 with sales reach­ing $313 mil­lion in 2009, up 176.6%.
  • A recent arti­cle in the Wall Street Journal (online) reports that “a group of libraries led by the Internet Archive, a non­prof­it dig­i­tal library, are join­ing forces to cre­ate a one-stop Website for check­ing out e‑books, includ­ing access to more than a mil­lion scanned pub­lic domain books and a cat­a­log of thou­sands of con­tem­po­rary e‑book titles avail­able at many pub­lic libraries.”

The Digital Publishing mar­ket is explod­ing, so it’s now more impor­tant than ever to learn how to cre­ate e‑books, e‑magazines, e‑catalogs, and more. The ePublishing Workflow Webinar will give you the skills you need to stay rel­e­vant and on top of this sec­ond dig­i­tal pub­lish­ing revolution.