I want to re/design your blog.
If you own (or are starting up) a blog, read carefully. I’m giving away a free professional blog makeover (or initial design, as the case may be).
You know I’m a professional graphic and web designer, right? I’ve got over 15 years experience in graphic design, and 9 years specifically in web design. See my portfolio for some recent examples of my work.
Occassionally I do pro bono work. Sometimes its charity work, sometimes its work just because the project piques my interest and looks like fun. Right now, I want to design a blog. I’m happy with my own blog design for now, and I have no reason to startup another blog. So, I want to re/design your blog, no strings attached.
DISCLAIMER: This is not an open invitation to solicit my services fee-free. Nor will I “invest” either my time nor my talent in someone’s “I’m going to get rich on the web” project. I’ve been turning those down for nine years, without exception. And, without exception, each such project offered to me has failed to break even, much less turn a profit. I do pro-bono work that I choose, and I never choose a project that is delivered to me unsolicited.
Clicked continued for the details.
Pariah’s Free Blog Makeover Contest.
I thought of just sticking it up here for the first to respond, but that seems unfair. Some people who read my blog work during the day or are in parts of the world where the day begins much later. So, to be fair, I’ll make it a contest.
What you get:
A complete makeover (henceforth “makeover” shall include either a redesign of an existing blog or design of a new blog) of your blog, including the following:
- Main blog (index) template;
- Single archive template (which can be used for category- and date-based archives as well as just general archive listings);
- Post/entry page template (with and, if wanted, without comments section);
- Comments page template;
- Comments Preview page template (if wanted);
- Comments Error page template (if wanted), and;
- All necessary graphics, CSS, etc. for the above.
If, in the above, I’ve forgotten any common templates, please do mention what I missed in your entry.
How to enter:
Let’s make it an essay contest. Write me an essay (in English, please) explaining why your blog should be the one I re/design. Please include the following, in no particular order:
- A description of your blog and its purpose: Why do you have a blog? Why do you blog? Why do you like blogging? What aspect of keeping a blog is the most rewarding for you?;
- A link to your blog’s main page;
- What blogging software you use (e.g. Movable Type, Greymatter, Blogspot, etc.);
- For what blogging software you’d like me to design, if that differs from what you currently use;
- How long you’ve kept a blog;
- How often you change the design/layout of your blog;
- Your ideas and thoughts about how you would like your new blog to look–if you have something in mind or have any ideas at all about the future look of your blog, please be as descriptive as possible, with lots of meaningful adjectives and nouns that will communicate your vision to me;
- If you’ve found things you like on other blogs or websites, links to them and descriptions of what I should be seeing in them;
- Your favorite colors by any one of the following methods:
• RGB values (i.e. “I like this red 255,16,21 and this black, 240,255,245”);
• HEX values (i.e. “I like this red #CC0033 and this black, #330033”);
• By attaching to the e‑mail images showing the colors, or;
• If you don’t know specifically what colors you like, give me generalizations (i.e. “I like warm colors like reds and oranges” or “I prefer designs done completely in blues”). - Why you think your blog should be the one I makeover.
Writing talent will not be a factor in my decision. I’ll read for the meaning behind the words, not the words themselves.
What happens if you win:
I will give you the same respect and attentiveness as my paying clients. We’ll interact by e‑mail, chat, and/or telephone. I’ll examine your blog, listen to your ideas, and generate an initial sketch, which I will deliver to you in PDF form (you’ll need the free Adobe Reader 6 program installed). Following your approval of the final sketch, I’ll begin creating the graphics and templates. These may be proofed to you at various stages either in PDF form or via a private website on my servers. When finished, I’ll provide the templates, including all graphics, CSS files, and so on for you to install on your site.
- By entering Pariah’s Free Blog Makeover Contest contest you agree to all terms and conditions herein;
- One entry per blog, not per person–if you maintain more than one blog, enter each of them separately;
- One entry per essay–if you wish to enter multiple blogs, each must be entered via its own essay;
- To be fair to the blogging community, when you enter your blog, you must mention on your blog (if you currently maintain one) that you’ve entered Pariah’s Free Blog Makeover Contest contest, and link back to this post;
The winning designs must maintain in perpetuity a discreet credit to the designer (me) on all pages/templates provided by the designer (the credit is small and discreet, usually consisting of a few words and/or an 88x31 linklogo like the one at right, all hyperlinked to http://www.iampariah.com;
- The contest is for web design, not programming–I won’t code custom JavaScript, PHP, Perl, etc. applications; I will incorporate into the templates any applications you provide, however;
- The templates will be designed and coded in English, though your blog needn’t be written in English;
- Any translations to languages other than English will need to be provided by the winner;
- For copyright and/or trademark purposes, all designs remain the exclusive property of Pariah Burke, with the right given to the winner to use the designs without restriction or time limit on his or her blog, and;
- I reserve the right to refuse service to anyone at any time.
When I select a winner, I will also select two runners-up. Should the winner not receive the makeover for any reason–winner changes mind, is disqualified, passes away, or for any other reason–the first runner-up will receive the makeover. If the first runner-up does not receive the makeover for some reason (see above), then the second runner-up will be awarded the prize. If necessary, I will go back through the entries to find additional runners-up, and the award will move down through the line.
I have worked previously with blogging software Movable Type and Greymatter. I have not worked with pMachine, Blogspot, etc., though I’m certainly willing to try. The only technical requirements are that your blogging software/system use HTML, XHTML, or PHP templates. I don’t know enough about LiveJournal or other applications with which I haven’t worked to know if I can design for them or how much I can modify their default layouts. The responsibility for determining that (before entering) is yours. I may ask the winner to provide me with the default or winner’s current blog templates.
The contest is open to all bloggers world wide.
This will be a lot of fun for me to design. I hope it will be fun for all of you to enter, and for one of you to win. I’m doing this for fun, and I want everyone involved to have fun.
If this contest works out well, I’ll do it again. The blogging community welcomed me and my little projects (The Saturday Slant meme, The Memes List, my various scripts and devices for bloggers, etc.) with such a warm and friendly embrace, that I’ve been compelled ever since to give back to the community. Design is my life-long passion. Combining that compulsion with my passion seems natural to me.
All essays must be submitted to no later than midnight Pacific Time Saturday, 28 February 2004. On Sunday, 7 March, 2004, I’ll announce the winner on my blog (http://www.iampariah.com/blog/).
Please send your essay to . Submissions to any other address will be discarded.
Great idea, Pariah…I hope you’ll post up the new design when it’s done!
Hi .
I will give my life to you if you do this for me :
I want a simple blog that .
be Righ to Left Language, with Calender , With Search , With Popup comment and
if possible :
With recent posts title list ‚on side bar .Authour categoure and be able to change date .
a question , how you can add more than 1 Hack Mod to a blog , like Aurthour Mod and Date change?
I know it will take 3 minutes for you to do that but will take forever for me.…
No body gave me anything for birthday , it would be a nice gift.…thank you in advance…
I meant to desing for GreyMatter
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Thank you! You know what? I shall indeed post the new design.
I’ve gotten a good response so far; some interesting essays coming in.
I’m sorry, Medya. A blog design is much more involved than merely three minutes. Please watch this site in the coming months. I might do a similar contest again in the future.
As I said above in the disclaimer:
Give me a little time. I’ll see if I can find some resources that will help you with the design of your blog.
I’m very sorry to hear about your accident.
If you read above, the contest was to redesign or makeover a blog, a website journal like this one.
Have you spoken to a cosmetic surgeon or an orthodontist?
I wish you the best.
this topic for tests cars