It's The Little Things (Echo)

In the replies to last week’s Saturday Slant Jewdez men­tioned the fact that, in the screen shot of My Current Desktop, my taskbar replace­ment is shown to have a min­i­mized brows­er parked on Jewdez’s blog.

First, I was­n’t aware until I post­ed that par­tic­u­lar desk­top that I was get­ting any inter­est in the My Current Desktop fea­ture. I’ll admit, I haven’t been scru­ti­niz­ing the logs that much of late. Within the last week I’ve got­ten quite a bit of feed­back, though.

On that note, an aside: For those who asked, when I post the next one–when I change my GUI again–I’ll include descrip­tions of what each program/feature is, and, if it’s avail­able to the pub­lic, where you can get it.

Getting back to the main top­ic… After going through the day’s Slants I went to vis­it a few of the blogs on my blogroll. When I got to Jewdez, I found this post. In it she states:

It’s the lit­tle things… That make my day, make me smile… like a hug from my daugh­ter, a kiss from my son, an ‘I love you’ from the hub­by… o’ and an email alert­ing me to:

Image from

you like me, you real­ly real­ly like me’ 

This is one of the lit­tle things that make my day. Making some­one else smile always makes me happy.

I’m glad I could make you smile, Jewdez!

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