Subscribe to comments on my blog! Perform push-button formatting on your comments (and new posts even)!
I’m very excited (but incredibly weary) after building into this here blog some new and cool features/plugins. They’re so cool, in fact, that I’m thinking about packaging them up for sharing.

First, I added the Subscribe to Comments plugin, and hacked up the code quite a bit to make it fit my site’s UI. It’s a royal pain to leave a pithy comment on someone’s blog and have to come back day after day just to see if there was a response. Now, when you leave a comment on my blog, you can choose to be notified via e‑mail of comments posted to the same topic.
Since I started my blog with GreyMatter and then moved over to Movable Type, I’ve wanted a way for people to subscribe to posts and comments that interest them. However, it’s been a real bitch to find something that works. I even tried an earlier version of Subscribe to Comments and couldn’t get it to function. Now it works.

The other really (and more!) cool thing I added is what I’m calling the Formatting Toolbar. I found a basic tag-insertion bar for comments in use on an unrelated page at, but couldn’t find a deliverable copy anywhere. So, I, um borrowed the code, rewrote the majority of it, expanded it, and made it more useful (to me, and hopefully to you). Not only does the formatting toolbar work with comments forms, but also with new and edit posts forms, including the bookmarklet popup.
This was the biggest deal for me. Yeah, it’ll be nice to have buttons that save me the (very) minor inconvenience of typing <B></B>, <I></I>, and <div class=“blogcode”></div> in my posts, but that’s not a very big deal. I write HTML in my sleep. The real time savers are the other buttons I’ve built in: for instance, the button that inserts the twenty-two fourteen (I got a CSS inspiration) lines of code that create quoted text in the main posts (outside comments). Until today, I kept a separate page online in a private area of my site so that I could just copy these large blocks of code from form fields into the popup Post to MT Weblog window. Now I don’t have to navigate another browser window to my codes page just to fire off a quick post. Now I just click a button.
This thrills me, though I’m so fried from munging my way through half of MT’s code that you really can’t tell.
Anyway, so I hacked up several .tpml files to get my Formatting Toolbar into the new and edit posts forms, replacing the rudimentary Bold, Italic, Underline, and URL buttons provided with MT.
It’s so useful in fact, that I think I’ll try to find the owner of and ask her if I she’d mind if I packaged up and gave away the Formatting Toolbar, which, again, includes some of her code, as a MT plugin. That’ll be another day, however. I’m just really fried.

The Formatting Toolbar is live on the comments form for all posts on this blog. Feel free to try it–and the subscribe plugin–by sending me a comment.
I’m so excited you got this to work!! I saw the time it took to complete this daunting task.
You amaze me again and again with your ability to accomplish what you desire regardless of what may stand in the way. I hope you never tire of the challenges life holds.
This is a really cool hack you have here. I was about to email and ask where or how you did it, and then I saw this entry. Did you ever decide to make thus available to the public? I’d sure like to put this one my site :)
Thanks! That would be great :)
You honor me with your kind words. Thank you, my love.
Testing. Please ignore.
No, not yet. I forget why that got stalled… Hmm… Give me a little bit to get to it, and I’ll e‑mail you with the package.