Going Away?

Is your blog host­ed as a sub­do­main? Has your provider received a cease and desist let­ter? If so, you might find your blog tak­en offline. You may want to con­tact your provider with the infor­ma­tion below and ask how they plan to respond.

According to the below sto­ry on WHIR, Stateline, Nevada-based Ideaflood Inc. claims that it owns the patent on sub­do­mains (e.g. “your​blog​.blogspot​.com”), and that all com­pa­nies using sub­do­mains are infring­ing on that patent. Ideaflood is send­ing cease and desist let­ters to an as yet unknown num­ber of host­ing and ser­vice providers order­ing them to stop issu­ing and/or using sub­do­mains or begin pay­ing licens­ing fees to Ideaflood.

Subdomain Patent Sparks Concerns

March 26, 2004 – (WEB HOST INDUSTRY REVIEW) – In aston­ished post­ings to Web host­ing dis­cus­sion forums last week, sev­er­al host­ing providers announced that they had received let­ters from a par­ty rep­re­sent­ing Stateline, Nevada-based Ideaflood Inc. (ideaf​lood​.com). The let­ter stat­ed that Ideaflood has patent­ed the idea of assign­ing users sub­do­mains, such as AutomotiveWidgets​.host​ing​com​pa​ny​.com.

According to the dis­cus­sion post­ings, the let­ter said that, since Ideaflood has patent­ed the con­cept, fur­ther sub­do­main ser­vice for cus­tomers would require the pur­chase of a license through Ideaflood. 

2 thoughts on “ Going Away?

  1. cal

    if you don’t mind my say­ing so, that’s the most ridicu­lous thing i’ve heard in a long while!

  2. Pariah Burke

    I whol­ly con­cur, but look at the recent suit won by the com­pa­ny that patent­ed the plugin/embedded helper appli­ca­tion archi­tec­ture inside web browsers. The suit is now in appeal, but this lit­tle one-man com­pa­ny is try­ing to extort the entire indus­try of brows­er and brows­er plu­g­in pub­lish­ers, includ­ing: Microsoft, Apple, Adobe, Netscape, AOL, Macromedia, Sun, and more.

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