
Today REVdrink​.com offi­cial­ly launched. It’s a unique site that com­piles all the tuto­ri­als and how-to arti­cles and books I write into a cen­tral list. Currently REVdrink​.com cat­a­logs tuto­ri­als I’ve writ­ten for Adobe Illustrator and Adobe InDesign in my books and in InDesign Magazine. It will grow to include links to online and print­ed tuto­ri­als in Adobe Photoshop, Adobe ImageReady, Acrobat, and QuarkXPress, among oth­ers, as well. - REV Up Your Creativity

Of course, REVdrink​.com was designed and built entire­ly in Adobe Illustrator CS2, and with CSS writ­ten by hand in TopStyle Pro.

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