I'm an Author!

While cruis­ing Amazon​.com I ran across this inter­est­ing lit­tle book enti­tled Adobe Illustrator CS2 At Work: Projects You Can Use on the Job. The author is Pariah S. Burke.

My first book–on Amazon now!

I was floored! I’m still a lit­tle speech­less. Do all authors go through this the first time they see their books in a bookstore?

Yes, this is my book. Sam’s Publishing did­n’t get the author’s name wrong, nor is there anoth­er Pariah S. Burke out there (I’ve nev­er met anoth­er Pariah, let alone one that shares my mid­dle ini­tial and last name). I’m just… speechless.

The most inter­est­ing part, is that I found the Amazon list­ing while tak­ing a break from actu­al­ly writ­ing that book. I’m not fin­ished with it yet, but it’s for sale on Amazon! Holy time­warps, Batman! I rec­og­nize that the book indus­try, like the soft­ware and many oth­er indus­tries, pre-sell their prod­ucts. But, well, it’s my name up there–and I had no warn­ing that it was there for sale. Holy cow!

So, now that it’s offi­cial­ly announced, I sup­pose I can offi­cial­ly talk about it. And I will, just not at the moment ’cause I’m not mak­ing much sense right now.

5 thoughts on “I'm an Author!

  1. Christy

    Cool beans! I know an hon­est to good­ness PUBLISHED author! Sweet.

    Seriously…congratulations! I should prob­a­bly pur­chase it. I’m a wannabe graph­ics expert.

  2. Big C.

    Congratulations lit­tle broth­er. I am extreme­ly proud of your accom­plish­ments and your rise from reclu­sive obliv­ion from just a few short years ago. You have grown and expand­ed in ways you do not real­ize, and there is still much more that you will suc­ceed in, in the near future. It makes me extreme­ly hap­py to see that you kept plod­ding towards your visions and goald, even when you could­nt see them at times. To many peo­ple give up or just put on the back burn­ers their desires for ulti­mate self sat­is­fac­tion, but you went the true artis­tic route and suf­fered for your cause. You made it work.
    Awesome job.
    Dont stop here, cre­ate a new goal and achieve it.
    I wish you con­tin­ued success.


  3. Bryan Gibson

    I’m also an author (two books now sell­ing on Amazon, though only one with my name on it), and, to answer your ques­tion, yes, we all go crazy the first time we see our books list­ed anywhere–that comes from both exhil­a­ra­tion and exhaus­tion: the first from hav­ing accom­plished the goal of get­ting pub­lished, the sec­ond from all the bull­shit we had to go through to make that hap­pen. At any rate, congratulation!

  4. Bryan Gibson

    Oh. and, by the way, feel free to include the ‘s’ I mis­tak­ing­ly left out of ‘con­grat­u­la­tion.’ Thanks

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