Using Small Caps Correctly - Illustrator Typography

Small caps, when used cor­rect­ly, are com­mon parts of typo­graph­ic style. In this tuto­r­i­al you will learn how small caps are often used incor­rect­ly, how and when to use them cor­rect­ly in any appli­ca­tion, and what Illustrator can do with small caps.

Excerpted from Pariah Burke’s com­pre­hen­sive Pluralsight video course, Illustrator CC Typography.

4 thoughts on “Using Small Caps Correctly - Illustrator Typography

  1. Mike O'Connell

    Interesting video. I think I’ve been ignor­ing them instead of using them like I should. Cool video. You should post more videos like this. I like these.

  2. Márcio Guerra

    I fol­low some oth­er type spe­cial­lists, lets put it that way, and in design this should be com­mon knowl­edge, but, unfor­tu­natel­ly, it still isn’t… Thank you for these videos!

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