SuperHeroHype.com has tons of hype and news on a slew of super hero movies in production or pre-production. Along with the obvious X‑Men 3, Spider-Man 2, DareDevil 2, and Hulk 2, there are more than two dozen others. From the pages of Marvel comics are films in various stages of production for: Fantastic Four, the third and (allegedly) final Blade film, Blade: Trinity, which will spin off into Nightstalkers, Iron Man, Deathlok, Man Thing: The Nature of Fear, The Incredibles, Werewolf By Night, Ghost Rider, Iron Fist, The Punisher, Namor, Black Panther, and Elektra, a solo story for Jennifer Garner’s 2003 DareDevil character, which will be released prior to, and set up the story for, DareDevil 2.
DC Comics, who had great success with the Superman franchise in the Eighties, the Nineties’ Batman films (until they hired a fucking moron director who screwed up the franchise), and their successful television series, “Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman”, “Superboy”, “Smallville”, and the animated “Justice League”, “Batman”, “Superman”, and “Teen Titans”, will, of course, be projecting its properties onto the big screen. Specifically DC has already begun principal photography on Catwoman, starring Halle Berry in the title role, and Constantine, a Blade-esque psuedo super hero horror franchise starring Keanu Reeves. Set to begin production over the next two years are: A new Superman (they’ve been writing and rejecting dozens of scripts for nearly ten years now), Batman: Intimidation, and the long-awaited live-action return of every girl’s idol, the ultimate girl-power icon, Wonder Woman.
I’ve seen some stills from Catwoman. I have to be honest: The costume looks terrible. I much prefer Michelle Pfeiffer to Halle Berry, and Pfeiffer’s costume was sexy though it revealed very little. Berry’s costume (not her fault, clearly) leaves little to the imagination. It’s not sexy; it’s slutty.
I dig the mask (which, I understand, most fans don’t and Berry has had to defend), but, that’s it. Here’s a pic as published in Entertainment Weekly. Can you envision swinging around the chilly city night, running from rooftop to rooftop, in those high-heels and leather straps? Puh-leez.
I digress. You can get the full scoop on all the above films at SuperHeroHype.com. SECURITY NOTE: Every page of the site will prompt you to install a spyware app from Ibis, LLC, NetPalOffers.net, and GorillaNation.com. Save yourself some trouble before you visit SuperHeroHype.com and add the following URLs to your browser’s list of restricted sites, which will cause the browser to kill most of the spyware install dialogs before they appear: http://*.gorillanation.com and http://*.netpaloffers.net.
That costume is terrible. You’re absolutely right about that. I’ve been reading comic books (Marvel, mostly) for 12+ years, and to be honest, I’m not really opposed to slutty costumes just for the sake of being slutty. But this costume is not pragmatic, and it’s not interesting, and it’s really not Catwoman. That having been said… I’ll probably still see the movie. I’m a fan-boy at heart…
I must agree with my husband. The outfit is wrong. I, too, am no prude and I think a good super heroine is where skin tight clothes with often flesh showing, but this outfit doesn’t make sense. All super hereoine’s wear heals. I’ve never thought it was practical, but it is standard uniform. Open toes? I don’t get it. Why are here pants shredded. Do cats often sharpen their claws on themselves? What are the straps across her torso. I don’t mind the mask. That is the only part that doesn’t rub me wrong. That being said. If remy sees it the chances are I’ll be with him. :-)
After seeing that outfit… I don’t think I can even go see the film, even if its free. My standards havent dropped that much.
are you freaking serios about that Halley crap, no oscar award can help what I think it will look like, esp.… “Lundgrens Punisher”
I stole someone’s partner and I’m a slut
I stole someone’s partner and I’m a slut
Look I am big comic book fanatic. But when it comes to comic being tranformed into movies I have learned two things that no matter what we say it does not matter and that it is not going to portrayed the way it should be. Lundgren did do Punisher. I mean thatIt is the movie idea that is being sold not the character themselves, or their costumes. I mean they have kids playing the fantastic four
Look I am big comic book fanatic. But when it comes to comic being tranformed into movies I have learned two things that no matter what we say it does not matter and that it is not going to portrayed the way it should be. Lundgren did do Punisher. I mean thatIt is the movie idea that is being sold not the character themselves, or their costumes. I mean they have kids playing the fantastic four. The movie industry is running out of ideas and the “right” talented actors and actresses to do these parts
I’ll proabably see the movie as well, but you just know they’ll tailor the action scenes to accommodate the costume. She won’t be in any situations where she might stub her exposed toe. She won’t have to hang upside-down where she might fall out of the bra. The weather won’t be too cold. She won’t run for too long lest the thighs of the pants tear. Yada yada.
I’m putting too much thought into this.
Thanks for the post, Remy.
I’ll see it, just to hope the story is decent.
Nope. Lundgren never did the “Punisher.” I refuse to include that in my reality, and you can’t make me. Nyaah!
The movie industry has been out of ideas for over a decade. Only rarely does a unique vision come along… Eventually, though, even the visionaries give in to the pressure to conform. Conformity, formula, is the way the industry runs; money isn’t given to make non-formulaic projects.
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