Office Space Soundboard

The peo­ple I work with wor­ship the film Office Space. They seem­ing­ly nev­er tire of quot­ing Gary Cole’s man­ag­er char­ac­ter. In their hon­or I post this, Office Space Soundboard, as found through Michelle’s Everything under the Sun.

5 thoughts on “Office Space Soundboard

  1. Moofamba Boner

    Hey Pariah YOU SUCK and your gay ass web­site sucks ass BIG TIME! We don’t like your pic­ture.… you look like a horse’s ass and need to stop liv­ing back in the day. When you final­ly grow out of this phase give us a call
    1–800-SUCK BALLS

  2. Mike Hunt

    Referring to your­self in third per­son, sport­ing a mul­let and a scraggy-ass goa­tee (and ass-length hair in a time oth­er than the 70s – 80s?). 

    Man o man, you must make even your fel­low homo­sex­u­als real­ly aggravated!!

  3. Pariah S. Burke Post author

    Moofamba, Mike, and Jim: I just want to take a moment to thank you anony­mous cow­ards for the page hits.

    Every time you view and com­ment you gen­er­ate two ad impres­sions, putting cash direct­ly into my pock­et. I’m grate­ful to peo­ple like you; you alone make the pay­ments on my Corvette.

    So, thank you! Come on by any time–and keep those anony­mous com­ments coming!

  4. KIF

    Thats clas­sic. Just like when those folks bought those snoop dogg CDs and ran them over with a car. When asked to com­ment, Snoop said “I’d just like to thank them for pay­ing my bills”.

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