Truly Muting (Hiding) Email Conversations in Gmail

Truly Muting Email Conversations in Gmail

Gmail (and Mail in Google Apps for Business) offers the abil­i­ty to mute con­ver­sa­tions and keep them out of your way… But only if they’re cer­tain types of con­ver­sa­tions. The mute func­tion fails to work on arguably the most annoy­ing of con­ver­sa­tions. Here’s a way to fix it so that mute actu­al­ly mutes any thread.

Learn how to quickly change case or other transformations on parts of code list items without touching the other parts. The example in this tutorial converts country names—both instances of each country name in 202 list items in either the HTML or JavaScript versions—from ALL CAPS to Title Case without altering the case of the surrounding code. Doing that by hand, retyping each one, would be labor intensive and error prone. It’s a bad idea. Instead, there’s a much easier, semi-automated way to make the change. To do that, each item must be expanded into its static and variable components.

Everyday Automation: Changing the Case of Text Within Code List Items

Learn how to quick­ly change case or oth­er trans­for­ma­tions on parts of code list items with­out touch­ing the oth­er parts. The exam­ple in this tuto­r­i­al con­verts coun­try names—both instances of each coun­try name in 202 list items in either the HTML or JavaScript versions—from ALL CAPS to Title Case with­out alter­ing the case of the sur­round­ing code. Doing that by hand, retyp­ing each one, would be labor inten­sive and error prone. It’s a bad idea. Instead, there’s a much eas­i­er, semi-automated way to make the change. To do that, each item must be expand­ed into its sta­t­ic and vari­able components.

Figuring Out Saving to Specific Wunderlist Lists

Wunderlist is a fan­tas­tic cross-platform to do and list-making app, but it’s so sec­u­lar that get­ting tasks and items into it can be a giant pain for those who tru­ly want to be pro­duc­tive. I’m try­ing to find a way to work around Wunderlist’s self-imposed isolation.