This week (25–31 December 2005), Creativepro.com is handing out five signed copies of my acclaimed project-based book Adobe Illustrator CS2 @work in their weekly giveaway.
Unlike any software book you’ve ever read, Adobe Illustrator CS2 @Work by Pariah S. Burke teaches how and why to use the world’s greatest drawing program through real world projects completed everyday, on the job, by working graphic designers and illustrators. Practical advice on planning and budgeting, overcoming your fear of Illustrator, knowing your rights, and negotiating with clients take this entertaining and confidence-building book even farther beyond the realm of just another software book.
Using the author’s project files or your own, let Adobe Illustrator CS2 @Work take you from blank page to polished deliverable with confidence. Projects include:
- Designing a Logo (From Scratch or From a Scan)
- Adding Logos and Artwork to Non-Flat Objects
- Designing Corporate Identity Material
- Illustrating an (Almost) Photo-Realistic Poster
- Designing Product Packaging
- Creating 3D Product Packaging Mockups
- Designing a Tri-Fold Brochure
- Designing and Color Proofing a Magazine Advertisement
- Designing a DVD Package
- Designing a Website and Flash Animation
- Creating Graphs for a Report
Enter to win your copy of Adobe Illustrator CS2 @work from Creativepro.com and Pariah S. Burke today!
It’s quite scandalous that an asshat like pariah can claim to know enough to even talk about Adobe Illustrator let alone pull wool on a real live book publisher that he is some sort of guru. Parry I know you well enough to know that this book will be a complete waste of money to any one who buys it. You should be ashamed that your ego overwhelmed any sense of decency that might have prevented you from pulling this heist. I understand that you had to work at Home Depot in the paint department because your “design” career wasn’t actually a career but to take money off of honest would-be designers who should be getting real information instead of garbage? That’s downright evil. Just my opinion of course:-)