Free X1 Desktop Search (worth $75)
Do you like free? If you follow this link, and are one of the first 100 to link back to the (original, not this) post from your blog, Jason Calacanis will …
Do you like free? If you follow this link, and are one of the first 100 to link back to the (original, not this) post from your blog, Jason Calacanis will …
I want things like future posting, something I have on my pro blogs The Design Weblog and Magazine Weblog, but MT 2.6x doesn’t currently offer. I’ve been missing so many Saturday …
Does the blogosphere still need a service like
Should it be, or is it time for a competitor to rise up?
Now that is owned by the not-so-cool Tucows, BR doesn’t inspire the same warm and fuzzy brand loyalty as it did as a one-man operation started as a labor of love. So, does the blogosphere want BR to continue even it manages to get its act together?
This morning in Oslo, Norway thieves stole Edvard Munch’s “The Scream” and “Madonna” at gunpoint. Munch painted four versions of “The Scream” in different media. Stolen this morning was the tempera and pastel on board. It and “Madonna” carry a combined value of $74 million USD.
NEW YORK (AP) – Friday July 16, 8:25 am PT – Domestic icon Martha Stewart was handed a prison term of just five months Friday for lying about a stock sale. After …
Trying to book a flight and hotel room on Orbitz is un-fucking-believably painful. My reservations have been inprocess (and unconfirmed) for going on three hours now. After an informational dry run last …
Make a Wish kid makes a game to fight cancer – Joystiq “ Ben is a 4th grade kid who had cancer. His doctor told him to visualize the disease going away, so …
My god! Can you imagine the terror she must have felt for the following six months? That poor woman! Woman who got wrong sperm wins suit – “ WILMINGTON, N.C. …
Over on Seth’s Blog is this interesting post: “ The thing is, every single person who walks into the Lost Baggage office is annoyed, disappointed, upset or angry. And the …
Tony Pierce has a very interesting (if contentious) post about how to blog. Most of his list is right on the mark; some misses by a mile. busblog “ 13. if …