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Back in blog I hate to say it It’s been too long I’m high on the hog Yes I’m let loose From Interland’s noose That’s kept me hangin’ on hold I’ve keep lookin’ at the stats ‘Cause …
Back in blog I hate to say it It’s been too long I’m high on the hog Yes I’m let loose From Interland’s noose That’s kept me hangin’ on hold I’ve keep lookin’ at the stats ‘Cause …
Despite some flaws, the new XTension delivers powerful image manipulation functionality
Technical Difficulties. Please stand by. The problems with the previous host of just won’t end! On Monday, 3 January 2005, the DNS name server change, the move from the old host to …
I am uploading and converting the old blog at this very moment (9:30pm PT 4 January 2005). Please return in a couple of hours to see the new and improved with …
After the first of the year I Am, The Memes List, and the Saturday Slant will all be back up and running at breakneck pace. They will be running off …
As part of a multi-phase restructuring of this site–not to mention moving to a hosting company that actually works–the Quark VS InDesign category of I Am has moved to its own domain …
Today was my last day working in Colorado Springs. I fly out early tomorrow morning. Because I am so passionate about InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, etc., about the graphics industry, and about sharing …
This blog and the Saturday Slant will be down for a couple of weeks because Movable Type is falling apart. The software on which blog runs, Movable Type running off a SQL …
Lisa Scheller writes about Living fully in the age of computers, how to think like a computer, and, more importantly, how not to think like a computer.
Grrr! Moveable Type, the blog software that drives this blog, is falling apart. Error after error, problem after problem. Auto-pinging has always been an issue. Posting and commenting out of …