They Liked My Book

I got offi­cial word yes­ter­day that the pub­lish­er liked my pro­pos­al and out­line for an Illustrator CS 2.0 (aka Illustrator 12) how-to book. So, pend­ing my con­ver­sa­tion with the acquisitions …

Blog Design: Watch Your Width

For a moment, I am going to dip into web design to illus­trate why Deep Green Crystals is an exam­ple of extra­or­di­nar­i­ly bad blog design. More accu­rate­ly, I am not dip­ping into web …

Do Not Disturb

Neat! Quiet, I’m sleep­ing cre­ative­ly In some hotels, three-dimensional objects peti­tion for pri­va­cy in lieu of [do not dis­turb] signs. Guests at Kinnaird Estate in Perthshire, Scotland, for exam­ple, place …

Busy Two Weeks

Busy, busy, busy. Man, these have been a busy two weeks. What have I been doing with myself, one might ask. Well, I might respond, let me tell you. Here’s the overview (in no particular …

Validated As A Journalist

Warning: Babble to fol­low. Completely by acci­dent I stum­bled across this–follow this link, about 1/3 of the way down the page. For me, this is pro­fes­sion­al val­i­da­tion as a jour­nal­ist! As, if not …

Referrer Log Spam

I’ve been curi­ous about this for a while, watch­ing my refer­rer logs (where vis­i­tors are com­ing from) fill up with appar­ent refer­rals from site with obvi­ous spam­mer domains–I won’t use the …

Blog Spam = Blog Success?

If the amount of com­ment spam a blog receives equates to the pop­u­lar­i­ty and suc­cess of a blog, I Am Pariah is pret­ty suc­cess­ful. This blog ranks very high on Google for a number …

Greetings From Texas

I’m in Texas for a cou­ple of weeks–this past week and next. I got here last Sunday, and have spent time work­ing with some won­der­ful peo­ple in Dallas and Fort Worth. On this …