Confident in Your Content?

In the dig­i­tal work­flow for print and mul­ti­me­dia, graph­ic artist must think beyond design aes­thet­ics and accept some of the respon­si­bil­i­ty that pre­press sup­pli­ers once held by Gretchen A. Peck If …

I'm an Author!

While cruis­ing Amazon​.com I ran across this inter­est­ing lit­tle book enti­tled Adobe Illustrator CS2 At Work: Projects You Can Use on the Job. The author is Pariah S. Burke. My first book–on …

Alternatives to

Since BlogRolling​.com was acquired by Tucows in 2004, the only thing con­sis­tent about it has been the con­stant out­ages and ser­vice fail­ures. It’s time to walk away from BlogRolling​.com and find–or build–an alternative.

Still in Atlanta

After teach­ing InDesign and Illustrator Advanced class­es this week (with the expec­ta­tion of fly­ing home Saturday), I’ve been asked to hang here in Hotlanta and teach a Photoshop class ear­ly next …

Giving 50 Away GMail Invitations

Google keeps throw­ing GMail invi­ta­tions at me. I had 25 left, so I gave them away here, but every time I dip below 50 invi­ta­tions, Google tops me off again. So, I’m giv­ing ’em …

How To Get Started Writing? I Have No Idea

After read­ing a rather bab­bling mind-flush I had vent­ed into a friend­ly design-related forum I con­tribute to, some­one asked me how to get start­ed writ­ing arti­cles. To be hon­est, I don’t know. I real­ize that …