Adobe Digital Publishing Suite

Digital Publishing to iPad & Other Tablets. This com­plete and com­plete­ly hands-on train­ing course will take your pub­lish­ing team hands-on with dig­i­tal pub­li­ca­tion cre­ation from Adobe InDesign and the Adobe Digital Publishing Suite. You will learn to incor­po­rate dig­i­tal pub­lish­ing into your exist­ing print pub­lish­ing work­flow, and to deploy and track the adop­tion of your…

Adobe Presenter

Adobe Presenter trans­forms PowerPoint pre­sen­ta­tions into engag­ing videos and inter­ac­tive eLearning mod­ules. Create and edit videos, add stim­u­lat­ing activ­i­ties and quizzes, and when you’re done, pub­lish your cre­ation to your desk­top, the Web, video shar­ing sites, mobile devices, or a Learning Management System (LMS) that can track completion.