Creative Community Bulletin 28 April 2009 Through 30 April 2009

These are the arti­cles, blogs, and resources I found inter­est­ing and wor­thy of shar­ing for 28 April 2009 through 30 April 2009:

  • WebDesignHelper​.co​.uk – Web Master Resources Section – We have gath­ered togeth­er a wide range of quail­i­ty web sites and resources that be of use to any web mas­ter, we have divid­ed the sites into there catagories to help find what you are look­ing for.
  • Baby-Stepping” All The Way To The Bank… – Most of us have a ten­den­cy to dream big. We shoot for the stars. We set huge annu­al goals for sales and prof­its. We have grandiose growth ideas. We strive to work only a few hours a day while we make mil­lions from our small busi­ness.

    It’s a good thing, dream­ing big. Without big dreams what’s our car­rot on the stick? What are we mov­ing toward? What moti­vates us?

    But far too many small busi­ness own­ers (myself includ­ed) dream big with­out a plan to reach those dreams.

    So how do we get from “here” to “there”? How do we reach the stars? How do we achieve our big dreams?

  • 100 Illustrated Horror Film Posters: Part 1 #inspi­ra­tion – For some, Halloween means cos­tume par­ties and drunk­en debauch­ery. That’s nev­er real­ly been my style. Personally, I like to spend my Halloween evenings
  • 100 Free High-Quality XHTML/CSS Templates | Developer’s Toolbox | Smashing Magazine – by Steven Snell If you haven’t tak­en a look at the (X)HTML/CSS tem­plates that are avail­able for free from a vari­ety of sources, you may
  • 10 Ways How To Track Site Traffic, Popularity, Statistics | 1stwebdesigner – Love In Design – Check out these sites to help You know bet­ter Your com­peti­tors, get site statistics,rankings and com­pare them.
  • 10 things a web design­er would nev­er tell you – Working with web design­ers is a night­mare. You will nev­er meet a more opin­ion­at­ed bunch of snobs. They are always going on about ‘white space’, ‘com­po­si­tion’ and how they went to art col­lege (like that counts as a prop­er edu­ca­tion!). When it comes to choos­ing the design of your site, they are the last peo­ple you should lis­ten to.
  • An epic CAPTCHA dis­as­ter (AKA screw the user) / Brian Cray’s Blog – CAPTCHA alter­na­tives from my read­ers

    Shelly from Brass Blogs: Shelly sug­gests cre­at­ing a form field that is hid­den with CSS. Humans won’t see it and bots will think they need to fill it out. Brilliant solution.

  • 10 Social Media Blogs You Should Follow | Social Media Directory Blog – The impor­tance of social media net­work­ing is well known at this point, and it’s effects on the com­mu­ni­ty have also left a staunch impres­sion. This is no longer a trend, instead, it has become a valu­able tool. And like with any tool, one must find the most effi­cient way to use it.
  • 10 Powerful Shopping/Ecommerce Plugin Solutions For WordPress : Speckyboy Design Magazine – here we are, 10 of the most pow­er­ful shopping/ecommerce plu­g­ins for WordPress.
  • 10 Mistakes That Could Be Killing Your Blog – I don’t know about you, but often when I begin explor­ing new blogs to find use­ful infor­ma­tion, I get so frus­trat­ed that I give up and leave with­in a few min­utes of find­ing the blog.

    While many blogs might con­tain the use­ful posts I’m look­ing for, they often make it too dif­fi­cult for new read­ers to find.

  • 10 Hot Bookmarklets That Put Plugins to Rest – Plugins are great. As any­one who both­ers to make their online lives enhanced with con­ve­niences knows, brows­er exten­sions, also known as “add-ons,” are a fan­tas­tic way to stream­line tasks.

    At the same time, instal­la­tion of such soft­ware can be annoy­ing. The act of restart­ing Firefox (Firefox reviews), IE or Safari (Safari reviews) is sim­ply a no-go in some sit­u­a­tions. Fortunately, the inven­tion of the “book­marklet” has made inroads in the mar­ket over the past sev­er­al sea­sons. And because we’ve seen a num­ber of good ones crop up as of late, we thought we’d take a look back to see where we’ve come from and present our “best-of.” Be sure to share your favorites, too!

  • 10 Promising Free Web Analytics Tools – Web ana­lyt­ics is the process of gath­er­ing and ana­lyz­ing your web content’s data in order to glean mean­ing­ful infor­ma­tion about how your site is being uti­lized by your users. There are plen­ty of Web ana­lyt­ics appli­ca­tions out there, and you prob­a­bly already know the big guns such as Google Analytics, Crazy Egg, and remote-site ser­vices such as Alexa and Compete.

    We go off the trod­den path and explore a few lesser-known Web ana­lyt­ics options. In this arti­cle, you’ll find 10 excel­lent and free tools and appli­ca­tions to help you gath­er and ana­lyze data about your web content.

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