Today in Design - Top Articles RoundUp 9 February 2016

The day’s best and most impor­tant design- and design business-focused arti­cles, tuto­ri­als, and resources hand-picked by Pariah Burke.

  • iSpring QuizMaker Training with Pariah Burke
    Learn to keep your learn­ers engaged with highly-energized con­tent and make quizzes that look remark­able and add vital­i­ty to your elearning.Tags: Ed Edu K12 LMS SCORM
  • The Value of Consistent Design
    Creating beau­ti­ful con­sis­ten­cy comes with a deep under­stand­ing of the fun­da­men­tals of design and the rea­son­ing behind a user’s experience.


  • Six Steps to Safer Image Sharing

    Despite the unfor­tu­nate real­i­ty that image shar­ing on the Internet can lead to mis­ap­pro­pri­a­tion of your work, there are some steps that can min­i­mize the risks.

    To most visu­al artists, the Internet rep­re­sents the prover­bial double-edged sword. On the one hand, the ease with which dig­i­tal images are cre­at­ed, shared, and dis­trib­uted offers photographers—professionals and ama­teurs alike—with more oppor­tu­ni­ty than ever before to expose the world to their work; on the oth­er hand, that work is now more eas­i­ly stolen or oth­er­wise mis­ap­pro­pri­at­ed, and artists can very quick­ly lose control.


  • iSpring Presenter Training with Pariah Burke
    Learn to cre­ate attrac­tive video pre­sen­ta­tions fast and easy right in PowerPoint for Web, desk­top, iPad, Android, Surface, and more.Tags: Ed Edu K12 LMS
  • iSpring Elearning Authoring Training with Pariah Burke
    Learn to quick­ly and eas­i­ly build inter­ac­tive elearn­ing cours­es and eval­u­a­tion for Web, desk­top, iPad, Android, Surface, and more.Tags: Ed Edu K12 LMS SCORM
  • Why Super Bowl ads aren’t the touch­down of advertising
    The ben­e­fits of mobile adver­tis­ing that can’t be achieved by a Super Bowl commercial
  • Artist vs. Entrepreneur: When should you wear each hat?
    Sometimes they over­lap, yes. But for the most part, they tend to have dif­fer­ent goals and values.Tags: Design Business
  • Adobe Report Shows Mobile Paid Search Advertising is Gaining Momentum
    We looked at the lat­est paid search trends, mobile spend pat­terns, Google vs. Facebook ad per­for­mance, and how dig­i­tal adver­tis­ing over the hol­i­days drove online retail­er rev­enues. Key find­ings from the report include:Tags: adblockalypse
  • ScreenFlow Training with Pariah Burke
    Take this ScreenFlow train­ing class to learn to quick­ly and eas­i­ly build pro­fes­sion­al screen­casts, pre­sen­ta­tions, train­ing videos, and inter­ac­tive elearn­ing mod­ules for any­one, anywhere.Tags: Ed Edu K12. LMS ScreenFlow
  • How to Raise a Creative Child. Step One: Back Off

    What holds them back is that they don’t learn to be orig­i­nal. They strive to earn the approval of their par­ents and the admi­ra­tion of their teach­ers. But as they per­form in Carnegie Hall and become chess cham­pi­ons, some­thing unex­pect­ed hap­pens: Practice makes per­fect, but it doesn’t make new.

  • Should Creatives Use a Company Name for their Brands?

    You’re a free­lance cre­ative tal­ent. A per­son. But you’re also a busi­ness. Should you use a busi­ness name? Or your real, per­son­al one?


  • Camtasia Training Classes with Pariah Burke
    Take this Camtasia train­ing class to learn to quick­ly and eas­i­ly build pro­fes­sion­al pre­sen­ta­tions, train­ing videos, and inter­ac­tive elearn­ing mod­ules for any­one, anywhere.Tags: Ed Edu K12. LMS Camtasia
  • No Blog Traffic? Here’s a Simple Strategy to Seduce Readers and Win Clients
    Is your blog still not con­vert­ing read­ers into buy­ers? Henneke out­lines a new strat­e­gy that helps you cre­ate an inti­mate rela­tion­ship with your audience.Tags: Writing AmWriting copywriting
  • Focus on Writing the Best Book You Can

    It seems in the last few years, dia­logue about all-things-publishing has been focused on plat­form, mar­ket­ing, increas­ing out­put, dis­tri­b­u­tion plat­forms, tech­nol­o­gy, and self-publishing. But I think it’s impor­tant to call our atten­tion back to the work. 


  • Why Anonymous Feedback Does More Harm Than Good
    Anonymity might seem like a rea­son­able con­ces­sion to encour­age more open dia­logue. It’s not.
  • How Big Is The Gig Economy? The Government Is Finally Going To Find Out
    Labor Secretary Tom Perez announced plans to rerun a sur­vey of inde­pen­dent work­ers for the first time since 2005.Tags: Entrepreneur Freelance
  • The Best Paid and Free Press Release Sites
    Our list of the best paid and free press release web­sites to sub­mit your press releas­es for max­i­mum SEO and traf­fic opportunitiesTags: PR marketing
  • 20 Best Tips For New and Aspiring Web Designers
    There are var­i­ous aspects that must be tak­en into con­sid­er­a­tion by inex­pe­ri­enced web design­ers. These aspects play a cru­cial role in the suc­cess or devel­op­ment of any web design­er to a con­sid­er­able extent. Therefore, all web design­ers whether they are…
  • Half Of Millennial Women Feel They Are Being Overlooked For Leadership Positions
    Almost half of mil­len­ni­als want to leave their jobs in the next two years, and women feel like they have few­er opportunities.Tags: ever­day­sex­ism glass­ceil­ing HeForShe
  • Designer’s Project Urges Creatives To Get Honest About Anxiety, Mental Health
    We recent­ly wrote about how the design­ers behind 40 Days of Dating have paired up again for a new project to help them become kinder people.…Tags: depression
  • Why Investing in Women is Smart Business

    From Wall Street exec­u­tive to entre­pre­neur, Sallie Krawcheck has nav­i­gat­ed the rough waters of career suc­cess, fail­ure and rein­ven­tion – all in the pub­lic eye. Now as chair of Ellevate and CEO of Ellevest, she’s focused on help­ing women grow pro­fes­sion­al­ly and finan­cial­ly. Sallie shared her career expe­ri­ences and advice with her sig­na­ture humor at Adobe’s Sales Conference women’s break­fast a few weeks ago.


  • CAN-SPAM 101: A Crash Course in Bulk Email Regulations
    When you fol­low these sim­ple CAN-SPAM reg­u­la­tions, you’ll make your prospects hap­pi­er and steer clear of email-related legal problems.Tags: Marketing
  • Pariah Burke on the Biggest Challenge Facing Designers, Inspiration to be a Designer, More

    Rather than a title, I sum up my pro­fes­sion­al role in my tagline: Inspiring, Informing, and Empowering Creative Professionals.™

    That’s what I do, day in, day out: I work as hard as I can to inspire, inform, and empow­er cre­ative pro­fes­sion­als so that they can do their cho­sen pro­fes­sions and projects with a min­i­mum of frus­tra­tion and as few obsta­cles as pos­si­ble and with a max­i­mum of pro­duc­tiv­i­ty, cre­ativ­i­ty, and enjoy­ment. I do that through writ­ing books and arti­cles, pro­duc­ing videos and live broad­casts, appear­ing on stage at con­fer­ences and events, giv­ing work­shops and webi­na­rs, pro­vid­ing web­sites and newslet­ters, and offer­ing fully-customized, learner- and workflow-specific train­ing class­es and consultation.”

  • What every dic­ta­tor knows: young men are nat­ur­al fanatics
    Fanatics have an over­whelm­ing sense of iden­ti­ty based on a cause (a reli­gion) or a com­mu­ni­ty (gang, team), and a tight and exclu­sive bond with oth­er mem­bers of that group. They will risk injury, loss or even death for the sake of their group.
  • This Baker Turns Cookies Into Canvases
    Cookies that are almost too attrac­tive to eat. Almost.Tags: Design Inspiration

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