Confident in Your Content?

In the dig­i­tal work­flow for print and mul­ti­me­dia, graph­ic artist must think beyond design aes­thet­ics and accept some of the respon­si­bil­i­ty that pre­press sup­pli­ers once held by Gretchen A. Peck If …

Busy Two Weeks

Busy, busy, busy. Man, these have been a busy two weeks. What have I been doing with myself, one might ask. Well, I might respond, let me tell you. Here’s the overview (in no particular …

Blog Spam = Blog Success?

If the amount of com­ment spam a blog receives equates to the pop­u­lar­i­ty and suc­cess of a blog, I Am Pariah is pret­ty suc­cess­ful. This blog ranks very high on Google for a number … Will Return in January

After the first of the year I Am Pariah​.com, The Memes List, and the Saturday Slant will all be back up and run­ning at break­neck pace. They will be run­ning off …

Quark Breaks Ground on Quark City in India

Denver-based Quark, Inc., mak­ers of InDesign-rival pro­fes­sion­al desk­top pub­lish­ing soft­ware QuarkXPress, is build­ing its own city in Mohali, Punjab, India. After 18 months of plan­ning, the foun­da­tion stone was laid …

Blogging Heads and Tails, Who Wags Whom?

The tail is begin­ning to wag the blog,” says Lev Grossman in his TIME Magazine arti­cle, Meet Joe Blog (Jun. 21, 2004). “Why are more and more peo­ple get­ting their …

Taking A Client To Court

Disclaimer: I am not an attor­ney, nor am I qual­i­fied to pro­vide legal advice. The below is based on my 15+ years pro­fes­sion­al expe­ri­ence as a graph­ic design­er and design agency prin­ci­pal. Use it …

Fear Grips Blogs: Copyright Infringement

I think this issue is being tak­en a lit­tle too seri­ous­ly and literally–especially by the com­men­tors on Calacanis’s orig­i­nal post–because of one arti­cle, which was writ­ten in ear­ly 2002 if you …

It Pays To Fight A Ticket

In “It pays to avoid a tick­et – or fight one” MSN Money details prac­ti­cal and fru­gal tech­nic­ques for fight­ing a speed­ing ticket–and there­by sav­ing thou­sands of dol­lars on your insur­ance rates. “ …