Dear Maury, My Google Page Rank Is Too High

The les­son here is that, for now, blog­gers should be care­ful about the titles of their posts less they get too high a Google page rank­ing. I say “for now” because, before too long, the porn sites will fig­ure out this lit­tle trick and stuff their pages with ref­er­ences to “Survivor,” “The Apprentice,” Mark Cuban‘s “The Benefactor,” and, of course, the “Maury Show,” thus knock­ing us hap­p­less blog­gers so far down Google’s rank­ing that mis­di­rect­ed Dear Maury mail will no longer be an issue.

Blogging Is My Business. Business Is Good.

Though I haven’t real­ly a point or argu­ment to make, I’m pass­ing this along as more of an FYI. Blogging is a new art form, and it’s a new a busi­ness form. Blogs are becom­ing commercial, …

Nortel The Next Enron?

Excite Money & Investing “ TORONTO (Reuters) – Nortel Networks Corp. (NT) (NT) fired its top three exec­u­tives on Wednesday and said account­ing prob­lems already under inves­ti­ga­tion by reg­u­la­tors ran deeper …

Apple: Going For The Jugular... And Cutting Its Own Throat

In a graph­ic design group I recent­ly got into a dis­cus­sion about appli­ca­tion choice on the Macintosh. During this dis­cus­sion, in response to the accu­sa­tion that, with­out Apple and com­pe­ti­tion, we would “be …

From the Pointlessly Extravagant File, #32

Oh. My. God. What a shame­less­ly point­less extrav­a­gance. Moreover, what a naked ploy for men’s mon­ey. Photo by eWeek My Love Affair with Acer’s Ferrari Notebook “ Every oth­er note­book I have ever had pales …

Undeletable File Deleted

Every morn­ing for the last two weeks I’ve been dis­tressed to find my pri­ma­ry Windows XP sys­tem blue screened when I walk into my home office. The prob­lem, I dis­cov­ered pret­ty quickly, …

Miramax: Unfair Telling Friends Movie Stinks

I’m very inter­est­ed in, and more than a lit­tle amused by, Hollywood’s sud­den dis­il­lus­sion­ment. Read the arti­cle (I’ve quot­ed the entire thing in Continued) and you’ll see the whin­ing of Hollywood …

A Plan To Reduce Spam

Several proven meth­ods of reduc­ing the amount of spam you receive—and some ways to reduce the prof­its of those who send it.