InDesign CC EPUB Building on the Fundamentals

In this course you will go beyond cre­at­ing text-only EPUBs. Pariah Burke will start off by help­ing you con­vert print book lay­outs to ebook, spec­i­fy­ing sto­ry and imagery order through dif­fer­ent means. Next you will learn how to for­mat and include cov­er images, illus­tra­tions, native InDesign vec­tor objects, and more, and how to con­trol their con­ver­sion and for­mat­ting dur­ing EPUB export. Then you will move into incor­po­rat­ing audio and video into your ebook. Wrapping up the course, you’ll learn how to include hyper­links and spe­cial hyper­links, and all the final for­mat­ting options in InDesign’s EPUB – Reflowable Export Options.

Adobe DPS 2015: Designing and Building DPS Apps

Join Pariah Burke to mas­ter the Adobe Digital Publishing Solution sys­tem (Adobe DPS 2015) for enter­prise pub­lish­ing of dynam­ic and inter­ac­tive dig­i­tal mag­a­zines, e‑catalogs, and inter­ac­tive elearn­ing expe­ri­ences to iPad, iPhone, Android, and Windows.

InCopy CC Building on the Fundamentals

Following the foun­da­tion of learn­ing in the InCopy CC Fundamentals course, this course builds on the writ­ing and col­lab­o­rat­ing skills you’ve already learned to flesh out your sto­ries and documents …

iSpring Suite

This iSpring train­ing class will get you up and run­ning with iSpring Suite, the fully-stocked e‑Learning author­ing toolk­it for PowerPoint, to cre­ate excit­ing e‑learning cours­es in min­i­mal time.

iSpring QuizMaker

This iSpring train­ing class will get you up and run­ning with iSpring QuizMaker for PowerPoint, the cus­tomiz­able, impres­sive, mobile-ready quiz build­ing tool that ensures elearn­ing suc­cess. iSpring QuizMaker saves you time and lets you cre­ate sharp surveys. 

Creating Pro and Enterprise Publications with InDesign Digital Publishing Suite

Acclaimed dig­i­tal pub­lish­ing guru Pariah Burke will walk you and your team step-by-step through the cre­ation and con­fig­u­ra­tion of folios and arti­cles, adding arti­cles cre­at­ed by out­side agen­cies, shar­ing and proof­ing in-progress pub­li­ca­tions, con­vert­ing print pub­li­ca­tions to DPS folios, adding alter­nate lay­outs and ori­en­ta­tions, and prepar­ing folios for pub­li­ca­tion. Along the way you will learn to cre­ate and fine-tune all the inter­ac­tive over­lay fea­tures and includ­able media inher­ent in app-based DPS pub­li­ca­tions. By the end of this course, you will be ready to cre­ate even the most com­plex and feature-rich dig­i­tal mag­a­zine, e‑catalog, or oth­er inter­ac­tive DPS publication.

InDesign CC EPUB Building on the Fundamentals

In this course you will go beyond cre­at­ing text-only EPUBs. Pariah Burke will start off by help­ing you con­vert print book lay­outs to ebook, spec­i­fy­ing sto­ry and imagery order through dif­fer­ent means. Next you will learn how to for­mat and include cov­er images, illus­tra­tions, native InDesign vec­tor objects, and more, and how to con­trol their con­ver­sion and for­mat­ting dur­ing EPUB export. Then you will move into incor­po­rat­ing audio and video into your ebook. Wrapping up the course, you’ll learn how to include hyper­links and spe­cial hyper­links, and all the final for­mat­ting options in InDesign’s EPUB – Reflowable Export Options.