InBrief: Adobe, Formerly Macromedia

Latest news about the acqui­si­tion from around the world. Links open in new win­dows. Macromedia Is Now Adobe (Designorati) Beth Dean laments the loss of FireWorks and spec­u­lates on the …

Comparing X-Ray and InDesign Magazine

How do these two pub­li­ca­tions com­pare and con­trast, and which one is bet­ter? Guest edi­to­r­i­al by Jeremy Schultz In my pre­vi­ous edi­to­r­i­al, “X‑Ray Magazine Shows Its Fangs,” I gave X‑Ray Magazine …

News & Tech: "Breezing" Layout and Editorial to Adobe

Regional Calfornia Daily moves to Adobe-based DTI NewsSpeed solu­tion, expe­ri­ences greater flex­i­bil­i­ty The Daily Breeze is a pub­li­ca­tion serv­ing the cities of the south Los Angeles coun­ty area. Based in Torrance, …

Biased Against Quark?

Appearances can be deceiv­ing. While we here at Quark VS InDesign​.com pride our­selves on read­ing every com­ment by every read­er, and respond­ing when­ev­er pos­si­ble, we don’t typ­i­cal­ly explain how we, …

X-Ray Magazine Shows Its Fangs

The lat­est issue of the offi­cial mag­a­zine of QuarkXPress beats up on InDesign and berates XPress naysay­ers. Guest edi­to­r­i­al by Jeremy Schultz X‑Ray Magazine, Vol. 4, Issue 3, September 2005 …

Markzware's High Performance Plug-in Now Shipping

PRESS RELEASE Q2ID Shipping STATESBORO, Georgia—Oct. 28, 2005—Markzware, the lead­ing devel­op­er of pre­flight­ing qual­i­ty assur­ance appli­ca­tions for the graph­ic arts and print­ing indus­tries, is pleased to announce the imme­di­ate release …