Markzware's High Performance Plug-in Now Shipping


Q2ID - Quark to InDesign conversion - shipping
Q2ID Shipping

STATESBORO, Georgia—Oct. 28, 2005—Markzware, the lead­ing devel­op­er of pre­flight­ing qual­i­ty assur­ance appli­ca­tions for the graph­ic arts and print­ing indus­tries, is pleased to announce the imme­di­ate release of its newest prod­uct, Q2ID. This is an Adobe InDesign Plug-in and requires an installed and sup­port­ed ver­sion of Adobe InDesign v3 (CS) or v4 (CS2) pri­or to installing Q2ID. 

Markzware’s Q2ID (QuarkXPress to InDesign) is a con­ver­sion tool that will enable Adobe InDesign users to con­vert QuarkXPress 3.3, 4.x, 5.x and 6.x doc­u­ments into the native InDesign doc­u­ment for­mat. Q2ID will con­vert all ele­ments of a QuarkXPress doc­u­ment includ­ing, but not lim­it­ed t page size, style sheets, fonts, text, images, lay­ers, lines, tables, etc. pro­vid­ed Adobe InDesign sup­ports the con­vert­ed item. 

Q2ID is a prod­uct based on the fun­da­men­tal tech­nol­o­gy need­ed to under­stand aspects of file for­mats. This tech­nol­o­gy enhances FlightCheck Professional, our flag­ship prod­uct – and allows Markzware to pro­vide a prod­uct that ful­fills the need for cer­tain tar­get mar­kets. Advanced sales of this prod­uct have been very promis­ing and we are excit­ed about this release,” said Patrick Marchese, pres­i­dent of Markzware.

Q2ID may be pur­chased through an autho­rized Markzware reseller such as CDW, MacMall, MacConnection, SHI, Software Spectrum, Programmers Paradise, etc, and through Markzware Direct Sales at (800) 300‑3532, or at Markzware’s online store. The MSRP is $199. For more infor­ma­tion please vis­it http://​www​.markzware​.com/q2id.

About Markzware

Markzware is the leader in devel­op­ing qual­i­ty assur­ance, data con­ver­sion, and work­flow solu­tions for the inter­na­tion­al graph­ic arts, print­ing, pub­lish­ing and dig­i­tal mul­ti­me­dia indus­tries. Markzware is a pri­vate­ly held com­pa­ny based in Santa Ana, California, USA. 

Markzware B.V. locat­ed in Rijswijk, The Netherlands, is the com­pa­ny’s head­quar­ters for activ­i­ties in Europe, the Middle East and Africa. For more infor­ma­tion, vis­it http://​www​.markzware​.com/​m​a​in_eu/.

3 thoughts on “Markzware's High Performance Plug-in Now Shipping

  1. marco

    I was a Markzware – addict back in the Quark days. But now, with InDesign I don’t see the need for an exter­nal flight­soft­ware pro­gram. I did how­ev­er, order this plug-in. Just what I need!

  2. Bob

    So does this plu­g­in real­ly work? Or can it make a mess of things?

  3. hanz ollo

    q2id just makes it quick­er to con­vert instead of being there for ever.

    it’s less of a headache and cheap­er than doin those stu­pid classes.

    I like the future~ and the future is InDesign!

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