Creative Community Bulletin 6 December 2013

Great con­tent found by Pariah and shared to the design and cre­ative com­mu­ni­ties on social media. 31 Mind-Blowing Examples of Brilliant Packaging Design “Packaging: It’s a nec­es­sary evil. So it may …

ePublishing with InDesign CS6

This book walks you through the entire process of build­ing a pro­fes­sion­al, for-profit dig­i­tal pub­lish­ing work­flow: plan­ning, adding mul­ti­me­dia and inter­ac­tiv­i­ty, and pub­lish­ing using InDesign. In no time, you’ll be cre­at­ing ebooks, media-rich ebooks, emagazines, ecat­a­logs, tablet dig­i­tal mag­a­zines, and more!