1,300+ Pages Remediated for the Smithsonian Institute

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Client: ThinkB!G / Smithsonian Institute

Skills: Accessibility reme­di­a­tion in PDF via Adobe Acrobat.

In addi­tion to my work mak­ing Smithsonian: Collected Comics from Native New York acces­si­ble and Section 508-compliant, which was an incred­i­ble hon­or, I am hum­bled to have worked to make more than 1,300 oth­er pages across 100s of PDFs (to date) for the Smithsonian Institute, includ­ing doc­u­ments pre­sent­ed before the U.S. Congress, edu­ca­tion hand­outs, teacher ref­er­ences, doc­u­ments post­ed to the Smithsonian’s var­i­ous web­sites, facil­i­ties infor­ma­tion, and event-related PDFs.

The doc­u­ments I have worked to make acces­si­ble to all read­ers regard­less of phys­i­cal abil­i­ty have cov­ered events such as the Colonization of America, the Civil War, Word War I, World War II, the Civil Rights Movement, the Suffragettes Movement, the icon­ic musi­cian Louis Armstrong, the Vietnam War, the 1980s, 9/11, the 2020 Presidential Election, the COVID pan­dem­ic, and a doc­u­ment that shocked and hon­ored me to be a part of, some­thing that actu­al­ly brought a tear to my eye as an American: a ref­er­ence to the very same American flag flown above Francis Scott Key’s head as he com­posed the American National Anthem.