Hanging Punctuation in QuarkXPress

Hanging punctuation–the prac­tice of let­ting open­ing punc­tu­a­tion “hang out” beyond the visu­al edge of a block of text which actu­al­ly rein­forces that edge–is not some­thing that’s auto­mat­ic in QuarkXPress: it takes …

Hanging Punctuation in InDesign

When try­ing to achieve a clean edge on the type in your para­graph, one must push the open­ing punc­tu­a­tion (typ­i­cal­ly an open-quote) beyond the ver­ti­cal visu­al line of alignment–make the puncutuation …

Drop Caps in QuarkXPress

Styling drop caps for your intro­duc­to­ry para­graphs using QuarkXPress is straight­for­ward; the trick here is know­ing where to find the place where it’s spe­fi­cied. As it hap­pens, it’s in the …

Drop Caps in InDesign

Drop caps–those big, attention-getting glyphs that arrest the eye and bring it right into the begin­ning of your story–are a quick and sim­ple thing to achieve in InDesign. The drop caps …

Tab Leaders in QuarkXPress

Tab leaders–the lines of filler char­ac­ters in print­ed lists and tables of con­tents that con­nect the aligned con­tent on one side to the aligned con­tent on the other–are eas­i­ly obtainable …