Styling drop caps for your introductory paragraphs using QuarkXPress is straightforward; the trick here is knowing where to find the place where it’s speficied. As it happens, it’s in the Paragraph Attributes dialog box.
Place your insertion point into the paragraph you want a drop cap in. Bring up the Format pane of the Paragraph Attrbutes box (Mac: CMD-SHIFT‑F, Win: ALT-SHIFT‑F, or Menu: Style>Formats), check the box next to “Drop Caps” to activate that section of the pane. Place the number of characters you want to involve in the “Character Count” box and the height you want in the “Line Count” box, then click either “Apply” or “OK” to effect the change.
Ok. But how can I adjust them, if the spaces on the left and upper margin don’t fit (I encounter the problem when using the cap in a different font than the paragraph text)?
Any help?