Adobe Offers InDesign CS2 eSeminar Series for Creative and Production Professionals

Industry Expert, David Blatner, Offers Step-by-Step Techniques, Expert Advice and Real-world Tips on Making the Most of Adobe InDesign CS2


SAN JOSE, Calif.–Oct. 25, 2005–Adobe Systems Incorporated (Nasdaq:ADBE) today announced an Adobe® InDesign® CS2 soft­ware eSeminar series for cre­ative and pro­duc­tion pro­fes­sion­als. Presented by indus­try expert David Blatner, the series will focus on improv­ing work­flow effi­cien­cy and will include step-by-step tech­niques and insid­er tips on using the new fea­tures in Adobe InDesign CS2. These ses­sions will pro­vide the grow­ing num­ber of cre­ative and pro­duc­tion pro­fes­sion­als who have embraced InDesign CS2 with the infor­ma­tion they need to make the tran­si­tion from QuarkXPress and stay ahead of the cre­ative curve. The 60-minute eSeminar ses­sions will be fol­lowed by a live Q&A.

“This eSeminar series is all about boost­ing the pro­duc­tiv­i­ty of cre­ative professionals,” said David Blatner, edi­to­r­i­al direc­tor of InDesign Magazine and co-author of Adobe InDesign CS/CS2 Breakthroughs and oth­er books. “InDesign lets peo­ple be far more effi­cient and cre­ative than QuarkXPress ever did. In this series, I’m going to show why InDesign bests QuarkXPress, and how design­ers can lever­age what they already know about QuarkXPress, Adobe Photoshop, and Adobe Illustrator to get up to speed fast in InDesign.”

Available as a stand-alone soft­ware appli­ca­tion or as a key com­po­nent of Adobe Creative Suite 2 soft­ware, InDesign CS2 has emerged as a crit­i­cal tool in the design process, serv­ing as the cen­tral place where text, graph­ics, and images are assem­bled to pre­pare final pages for out­put. Major mag­a­zines, news­pa­pers, book pub­lish­ers, adver­tis­ing agen­cies, graph­ic design firms, and cor­po­rate cre­ative groups rely on InDesign soft­ware for high­er pro­duc­tiv­i­ty and refined cre­ative results. 

Dates and Times:

Tuesday, November 1
10:00 AM – 11:00 AM (PST) – “The InDesign Advantage”
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM (PST) – “InDesign for QuarkXPress Users”

Thursday, November 3
10:00 AM – 11:00 AM (PST) – “InDesign Tips and Tricks”
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM (PST) – “The InDesign Advantage”

Tuesday, November 8
10:00 AM – 11:00 AM (PST) – “InDesign for QuarkXPress Users”

For more details on indi­vid­ual ses­sions and speak­ers, or to reg­is­ter for the event, vis­it www​.adobe​.com/​i​n​d​e​s​i​g​n​s​eminar.

About Adobe Systems Incorporated

Adobe is the world’s lead­ing provider of soft­ware solu­tions to cre­ate, man­age and deliv­er high-impact, reli­able dig­i­tal con­tent. For more infor­ma­tion, vis­it www​.adobe​.com.

2 thoughts on “Adobe Offers InDesign CS2 eSeminar Series for Creative and Production Professionals

  1. Pingback: Quark VS InDesign - » Adobe Establishes OnDemand Seminars

  2. Tonia Jones

    Please add me to your mail­ing list for all Quark and Adobe products.

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