Adobe has always played its cards close to the vest, refusing to comment about upcoming products or product updates, and never committing to firm release dates. Any such information released to the public could affect Adobe Systems, Incorporated stock prices, and is therefore closely guarded by Adobe and Federal Trade Commission regulations. Over the nine months, however, Adobe has been breaking tradition to dole out secrets.
It began in a March 2006 interview with Forbes Magazine wherein CEO Bruce Chizen committed to a 2nd Quarter 2007 release of Creative Suite 3. Next, in May 2006, following the release of competitor QuarkXPress 7 to critical praise, Adobe allowed select members of the press, including Quark VS, to reveal features of InDesign CS3 (see: “Sneak Peek: InDesign CS3″). Now, they’ve kicked open the vault door wider still.
As of 2:00 PM Pacific Time today, Adobe has opened the fun to not just press but the public as well.
Photoshop CS3 Public Beta
Following the success of the public beta program for Adobe Lightroom, the professional successor to the runaway hit Photoshop Album and the Creative Suite-bundled Adobe Bridge, Photoshop CS3 is entering a public beta phase as well. Beginning Friday, 15 December, 2006, the Adobe Labs Website will enable any licensed user of Photoshop CS2 or Creative Suite 2 to download and try out the Photoshop CS3 beta, which runs natively on OS X PowerPC and Intel-based Macs and Windows XP and Vista. The Photoshop CS3 distribution does not include a beta version of ImageReady CS3, but does come with CS3 versions of Adobe Bridge, Adobe Stock Photos, and the new application, Adobe Device Central, an integrated tool to design, preview, and test mobile content for cell phones and other portable media devices.
Available only in English, the beta will work in conjunction with any language version of Photoshop CS2 worldwide. In order to use the CS3 beta, users must have a valid license for at least one of the following: Photoshop CS2 (full, upgrade, and education), Adobe Creative Suite 2.x Standard or Premium (full, upgrade, and education), Adobe Production Studio Standard and Premium (full, upgrade, and education), Adobe Video Bundle (full, upgrade, and education), or Adobe Web Bundle (full, upgrade, and education). After initial installation, the Photoshop CS3 beta will run for 2‑days before expiring. To activate and continue using the beta, users will need to provide a valid Photoshop CS2, Creative Suite, Production Studio, or Bundle serial number via the Adobe Labs Website in order to obtain a Photoshop CS3 beta serial number.
Adobe is firm that “this is not the Photoshop CS3 product launch… Photoshop CS2 is the shipping product, and PSCS3 is no substitute. It’s unfinished, and you need to own CS2 to use it.” And: “We’re releasing CS3 as an extension of CS2, as a service to Photoshop customers who’ve been eagerly awaiting native performance.”
The company is releasing the beta to the public at this time primarily to enable Intel-based Mac users to enjoy a Universal Binary version of Photoshop. From the Photoshop CS3 Beta Q&A released today: “Adobe has a long-standing commitment to the Mac community and this release is Adobe’s way of delivering native performance to our Mac customers many months earlier than we otherwise could have done. Over the years, Photoshop has consistently done right by Mac customers, offering a free PowerPC update for Photoshop 2.5 and a free G5 update for PS 7, even though new versions were right around the corner. Making the Photoshop CS3 Beta available to all of our Mac-based Photoshop CS2 users is a further proof of our commitment to the platform. Since a large portion of our customer base is on Windows, Adobe is simultaneously releasing a Windows version of the Photoshop CS3 beta to Windows XP and Vista users.”
Recommended System Configurations
Mac OSX 10.4.8 or 10.5, 1 GHz PowerPC® G4 or G5 processor, Intel based Macintosh, or Windows: Intel® Xeon® , Xeon Dual, Centrino® or Pentium® 4 processor, Microsoft Windows XP with Service Pack 2 or higher, Microsoft Windows Vista. Both platforms require 512 MB RAM and a 1024x769 resolution screen.
Photoshop CS3 beta will expire soon after the launch of Photoshop CS3 in Spring 2007. Details on final pricing, system requirements and availability have yet to be announced.
Adobe has not announced plans to open other Creative Suite 3 application beta programs to the public.
I’m not in a position to dowload it right now. But you Pariah, you have been a beta tester for quite some time, I believe. Now that ‘the cat’s out of the bag’ what would you say are the top 10 best changes Adobe made to Photoshop? Would you mind shairing them with us?
And why do they keep saying “spring” if they tell Reuters end of Q2 and internationally even July 2007? :-(
Hi, Woz.
Well…um… I’m not at liberty to… Let’s just say I’ve seen it, yeah. :-)
I’m working up something about my favorite new features, actually. I’m a little behind on my work relative to Photoshop CS3 because I’ve been so deep into some upcoming InDesign, Illustrator, and QuarkXPress projects.
Coinciding with the release of the “next version of InDesign,” ({cough}CS3{cough}) Wiley/Sybex will be publishing my new book aimed at print professionals. It’s InDesign for those who are already skilled in layout, pre-press, or printing, rather than a beginners’ book.
At the same time, I’ll be launching or co-launching several new digital media projects around InDesign, QuarkXPress, and so on.
Back to the Pshop thing… I’m hoping to get an article finished up this weekend. I have to finish the first draft of a chapter and the rewrite on another by Monday.
Hi, Choppy,
There’s a little bit of chronological confusion going on there. Bruce Chizen keeps stating 2Q fiscal 2007. Well, Adobe’s fiscal year is not the same as the calendar year. Yesterday was their end of 4Q shareholder conference call; December begins the 2007 fiscal year for Adobe. Their fiscal 2nd quarter ends in May, thus it’s still Spring even if goes until the last day of the quarter.
I don’t doubt they’ll make that deadline. Clearly, Photoshop is well ahead of the schedule. Looking strictly at the public beta, one could estimate that Photoshop would be ready for gold master (ready for release) well ahead of Spring ’07.
I’m unsure, but if my memory is correct, weren’t there several readers (ID zealots) on this site making jabs at Quark for thier novel-like beta releases leading up to the actual 7.0 product earlier this year?
Is this a me-too thing from Adobe? Or perhaps, on a larger level, should we expect “beta-version releases” having a bigger role in all major applications prior to their full-blown release? I just don’t remember this kind of thing way back when…
Old Fords rule!
@Pariah; Well now THAT’s something I personally can’t wait to get my hands on. Do you know if they’ll ship their books to Europe as well?
@Morgan; You don’t think the release of the fist beta software from Adobe ever, has anything to do with pressure from Apple/Intel, now do you?
@Adobe; Most buyers of CS3 will NOT have a CS2 licence. Larger companies (like mine) decided to skip CS2 because ‑let’s face it- there just wasn’t enough ‘new’ stuff in there. It’s all abou the Benjamins. CS3 however, will be bought. But WE can’t legally test this CS3 beta stuff. That’s too bad. Seduce me Adobe, please let me DL this beta with CS1 numbers!
Based on the output of the beta it won’t be ready till spring 08, crazy stiching on output when resized.
Adobe is feeling the presure of responding to Quark, Beta release cycles.
This could also be the first step to telling users that there is a delay to market but it is due to doing these cycles ‘making the product right for the users’ really saying we screwed up and gave impossible dates.
LOL! “Adobe is feeling the presure of responding to Quark”
Yeah, I keep reading all these stories about people switching back to Quark. ;-)
Where are you reading, becouse it’s happening, Slowly now but people who are looking at this changing market with no pre conceptions are seeing no benifits to switch to Indesign, n disrespect it’s a good product, just noy quite there with Xpress 7. facts are facts
Thanks, man. I’m not sure about release in European bookstores, but I know it will be available at least to ship to Europe from online stores.
Well okay then. We’ll order it online. I do hope you’ll let us know when it’s done? There are a lot of books out there, but personally I try to find the books that were written by people who actually use and understand the product. Not by people who just re-wrote the ‘help’ files. ;-)