Adsters Cramer-Krasselt Commit to QuarkXPress 6.5

America's fourth-largest advertising agency gives Quark a vote of confidence by upgrading all seats to XPress 6.5.

Chicago-based Cramer–Krasselt, America’s fourth-largest adver­tis­ing agency with offices nation­wide, has upgrad­ed all licens­es to QuarkXPress 6.5, the Denver-based cre­ative soft­ware con­cern announcd today.

C‑K’s pres­ence is wide­spread in American com­merce, with such brands as Corona beer, Ski-Doo, PetSmart, Heinz Foods, Dremel, and Popeye’s Chicken as clients.

From the Quark press release:

Because QuarkXPress has been the page lay­out appli­ca­tion of choice for Cramer-Krasselt for more than a decade — the com­pa­ny is now using almost 150 licens­es — Quark was able to extend sup­port to the agency. The agency’s renewed com­mit­ment enhances the val­ue of the lat­est release of the award-winning prod­uct from Quark. In addi­tion, the Quark team pro­vid­ed Cramer-Krasselt with on-site train­ing on the lat­est fea­tures of the soft­ware and offered the agency sup­port dur­ing its migration.

Read the entire Quark press release at this link.

1 thought on “Adsters Cramer-Krasselt Commit to QuarkXPress 6.5

  1. The Walking Dude

    Cramer-Krasselt is a real­ly good place that does good work despite what this press release infers. Like a lot of com­pa­nies in graph­ic pro­duc­tion, there’s that one die-hard Quark zealot, and it this case he does not even work in Quark much. The peo­ple who actu­al­ly do all the keylin­ing and page lay­out at CK most­ly pre­fer InDesign. They don’t get press releas­es, not do they get flown out to Denver and dined by Quark for free. Free, except for the 150 licens­ing fees that follow.

    It real­ly says some­thing about Quark, when they plas­ter press releas­es all over the inter­net about being the “appli­ca­tion of choice” at the 4th largest inde­pen­dent ad agency. By process of elim­i­na­tion, it isn’t too hard to fig­ure out what first, sec­ond and third are using for their lay­out software. 

    The only major piece of print busi­ness CK has received after this announce­ment was a bank client that requires their ads be done in InDesign. Now for the first time, InDesign has been loaded on all pro­duc­tion and cre­ative depart­ment Macs. People are being hired with only InDesign expe­ri­ence. InDesign train­ing has begun for those that can think out­side the Quark box. Were not talk­ing migra­tion, we’re talk­ing upgrade here. Pretty soon CK will real­ly have some­thing to brag about and it won’t be brand name loy­al­ty to a “one appli­ca­tion” soft­ware com­pa­ny. And Quark will be the 4th largest page lay­out soft­ware, right behind Microsoft Publisher.

    Sure the few Quarkies remain­ing still moan and groan about the loss of their antique kern­ing pal­lets and Colorado jun­kets, but the way I see it, this frees up extra time for them to con­cen­trate on con­tent, qual­i­ty and spelling.

    The Walking Dude
    San Fransisco

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