Another Quark to InDesign Convert

Kevin at GraphicPush has aban­doned Quark for­ev­er. Hallelujah, broth­er! Welcome to the enlight­ened broth­er­hood of InDesigners!

graphicPUSH: Dropping Quark

I am shed­ding the skin of repres­sive page lay­out, cast­ing off the yoke of prim­i­tive inter­face design and leav­ing behind crash­es, bugs, low res­o­lu­tion pre­views and infe­ri­or typog­ra­phy con­trol. Today, my friends, I am leav­ing Quark for good. 

3 thoughts on “Another Quark to InDesign Convert

  1. Samuel John Klein

    My favorite quote from the posting:

    … then delet­ed my instal­la­tion of Quark on every­thing except my B&W G3 that still runs OS9. Just in case, you know? I may turn on that com­put­er again one day. Maybe IÕll even launch Quark from its dor­mant, cold cor­ner of the hard dri­ve. But I doubt it.”

    I mean, c’mon…you expect me to believe some­one will even­tu­al­ly turn on his blue’n’white G3 someday?


    Sam Klein.

  2. Guy Gerrells

    I have been able to open quark express 4 with inde­sign CS, but new­er ver­si­ions of quark will not allow this. It sure would be sweet to find a plug-in that would do this for the new­er ver­sions. If you have any ideas on this e‑mail me. Thank You.

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