Badia BigPicture for QuarkXPress 4-7

Every two weeks Quark VS InDesign​.com and XChange International gives away 2 great prizes–an extra­or­di­nary xten­sion for QuarkXPress and an incred­i­ble InDesign plug-in. All you have to do to win is…

Sponsored By

XChange International


That’s all. No pur­chase or song and dance nec­es­sary. A win­ner will be cho­sen at ran­dom from those who enter on this page.

This con­test has end­ed. On 2008-01-13 we gave
Badia BigPicture XT from Badia
To Ed O. of Cainta, Rizal Philippines

Congratulations, Ed! Get some prizes for your­self on our Contests & Giveaways page.

The QuarkXPress XTension We Gave Away This Time

Badia BigPicture XT

Badia BigPicture XT (Mac Only)
QuarkXPress XTension from Badia

Badia BigPicture gives you the most com­pre­hen­sive solu­tion for man­ag­ing graph­ics and pic­ture links in QuarkXPress 4 through 7.

With BigPicture, you get instant access to detailed image infor­ma­tion, a unique search engine, plus pow­er­ful tools for updat­ing, reveal­ing, open­ing, unlink­ing, renam­ing, replac­ing and mov­ing mul­ti­ple links.

Detailed Picture List
For each image in your doc­u­ment, BigPicture reports the name, page, full path, colour mod­el, for­mat, file size, image res­o­lu­tion (orig­i­nal and scaled), cre­ator appli­ca­tion, EPS fonts and colours, dimen­sions, date mod­i­fied, print sta­tus, scal­ing, angle, colour pro­file, link sta­tus, cam­era info, and more.

Picture Renaming
Renaming pic­tures is as easy as click­ing on the pic­ture name and typ­ing the new name. BigPicture will rename the pic­ture file in the Finder, update the QuarkXPress link, and change all the doc­u­ment occur­rences of the same picture.

Powerful Search-and-Link
The built-in search engine of BigPicture quick­ly scans any hard dri­ve for miss­ing pic­tures and then gives you the abil­i­ty to relink them with any of the returned match­es found. If addi­tion­al miss­ing images are locat­ed in the same fold­er, BigPicture can relink them as well automatically.

The Best Picture Manager

  • Move/copy pic­tures to a fold­er and relink
  • Up to 50 appli­ca­tions to “Edit Original”
  • Collect all images to a des­ig­nat­ed folder
  • Relink pic­tures with a dif­fer­ent folder
  • Update all mod­i­fied pic­tures in one step
  • Select images that match spe­cif­ic criterion
  • Sortable, cus­tomiz­able pic­ture list
  • Show/hide mas­ter page images € Show/hide dupli­cate pictures

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