Badia Printools XT for Quark 7

Every two weeks Quark VS InDesign​.com and XChange International gives away 2 great prizes–an extra­or­di­nary xten­sion for QuarkXPress and an incred­i­ble InDesign plug-in. All you have to do to win is…

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That’s all. No pur­chase or song and dance nec­es­sary. A win­ner will be cho­sen at ran­dom from those who enter on this page.

This con­test has end­ed. On 2008-07-13 we gave
Badia Printools XT for Quark 7 5 from Badia
To Barbara A. of Worth, IL USA

Congratulations, Barbara! Get some prizes for your­self on our Contests & Giveaways page.

The QuarkXPress XTension We Gave Away This Time

Badia Printools XT for Quark 7

Badia Printools XT for Quark 7 5 (Mac Only)
QuarkXPress XTension from Badia

Badia Printools pro­vides pre­press and print­ing pro­fes­sion­als with a pow­er­ful col­lec­tion of print­ing tools and time­sav­ing short­cuts. In one com­pre­hen­sive pack­age you get: rename at print, batch print­ing, print to file, pre­flight­ing, cus­tom page slugs, and state-of-the-art live pre­views. What’s more, you can com­bine sev­er­al of these tools dur­ing the same print ses­sion to stream­line com­plex print­ing tasks.

Batch Printing
The batch print­ing tool allows you to print mul­ti­ple files with the same print set­tings. Simply select the files you wish to print, arrange them in any order you like, and hit the Print but­ton. Printools will open each of the files and imme­di­ate­ly send them to the print queue apply­ing the out­put set­tings you’ve pre­vi­ous­ly spec­i­fied. You can even com­bine batch print­ing with print to file to gen­er­ate mul­ti­ple PostScript files at once.

Rename at Print
You can now rename the doc­u­ment dur­ing the out­put stage, with­out alter­ing the actu­al doc­u­ment or file name. Print renam­ing is use­ful for iden­ti­fy­ing the doc­u­ment dur­ing the out­put stage, regard­less of the actu­al file name. It is also help­ful in keep­ing track of revi­sions or when print­ing indi­vid­ual pages for impo­si­tion. Printools lets you spec­i­fy up to 3 com­po­nents in the new name. For each, choose from: project name, lay­out name, Project_Layout, the page range, a 3‑digit ser­i­al num­ber that increas­es auto­mat­i­cal­ly after print­ing, or any cus­tom text.

The pre­flight­ing engine quick­ly and thor­ough­ly checks for poten­tial prob­lems that could lead to time and mate­r­i­al waste. Customize the pre­flight checks by acti­vat­ing any of the fol­low­ing diag­nos­tics: miss­ing fonts, sup­press print­out, text over­flows, bro­ken pic­ture links, RGB Images, EPS with JPEG com­pres­sion, unknown image for­mats, hair­lines, and poor image resolution.
You can even con­fig­ure the pre­flight tool to auto­mat­i­cal­ly run before printing.

Save as PostScript
This tool allows you to save the print­out to a des­ig­nat­ed fold­er as a PostScript file. When com­bined with batch print­ing, you can gen­er­ate dozens or even hun­dreds of these files in one sin­gle step. Specify up to 3 com­po­nents for nam­ing the out­put files. For each, choose from: project name, lay­out name, Project_Layout, the page range, a 3‑digit ser­i­al num­ber, or any cus­tom text.

Custom Page Slugs
This tool lets you cus­tomize the page slug print­ed at the top of the page when print­ing with reg­is­tra­tion marks. For exam­ple, you may want to add the label “Revision 1” to indi­cate the stage dur­ing revi­sion cycles. Printools allows you to sup­press any of the stan­dard QuarkXPress tags and/or add up to sev­en addi­tion­al ones: user name, machine name, line screen, emul­sion, bleed, scal­ing and any cus­tom text.

Live Previews
The live pre­view shows you in real time an exact rep­re­sen­ta­tion of how the out­put will look as you change the print set­tings. Single pages or spreads, crop marks, man­u­al or auto­mat­ic tiling, page rota­tion, bleeds, and neg­a­tive print­ing are just some of the print set­tings shown in the live pre­view. You can even man­u­al­ly tile a page by drag­ging the mouse over the pre­view area.
And a tool­bar next to the live pre­view con­tains com­mon short­cut but­tons, such as change page rota­tion, turn man­u­al tiling on/off, print marks, and page flipping.

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