BBC Magazines Migrates to Adobe InDesign

Press Release

SAN JOSE, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Aug. 31, 2004–Adobe Systems Incorporated today announced that BBC Magazines has adopt­ed Adobe InDesign, Adobe’s award-winning lay­out and design soft­ware, to pro­duce its port­fo­lio of con­sumer mag­a­zines. Following a suc­cess­ful pilot with It’s Hot! Magazine in March 2003, BBC Magazines pur­chased 350 licens­es and tran­si­tioned the major­i­ty of its 40 pub­li­ca­tions to InDesign soft­ware includ­ing EVE, Olive, Good Food and Good Homes. The com­pa­ny expects to com­plete the migra­tion of all its titles by October 2004. 

We adopt­ed Adobe soft­ware in response to the needs of the busi­ness,” said Julian Adams, pub­lish­ing sys­tems man­ag­er, BBC Worldwide. “We chose It’s Hot! Magazine for the pilot because of its com­plex page lay­out and design and are pleased to say Adobe’s rich set of fea­tures passed the test. Adobe’s soft­ware not only enabled us to pro­duce our pub­li­ca­tions with greater effi­cien­cy but the sup­port Adobe offered was also a key fac­tor in our final decision.”

“InDesign deliv­ers pow­er­ful pro­duc­tion capa­bil­i­ties, cre­ative free­dom and cross-media sup­port, enabling BBC Magazines to design, lay­out and print pages, as well as export con­tent to the Web, more rapid­ly and reli­ably,” said John Cunningham, busi­ness devel­op­ment man­ag­er, print pub­lish­ing at Adobe UK. “We are delight­ed to be work­ing with BBC Magazines and togeth­er we can take lay­out and design to a new lev­el for cre­ative professionals.” 

The rich fea­tures in InDesign such as the trans­paren­cy and feath­er­ing tools, allow us to com­plete com­plex tasks effi­cient­ly and cre­ate high­er design qual­i­ty mag­a­zines,” said Adams. “Tight inte­gra­tion with Adobe’s oth­er soft­ware, includ­ing Photoshop and Illustrator, also means that the over­all pro­duc­tion of our mag­a­zines will accelerate.” 

InDesign CS is a key com­po­nent of the Adobe Creative Suite. Adobe Creative Suite com­bines new full-version upgrades of the com­pa­ny’s market-leading cre­ative pro­fes­sion­al soft­ware – Adobe Photoshop CS, Adobe Illustrator CS, Adobe InDesign CS, and Adobe GoLive CS. It also incor­po­rates Acrobat 6.0 Professional, and intro­duces the inno­v­a­tive Version Cue file ver­sion manager. 

Launched in October 2003, Adobe Creative Suite and InDesign CS are enabling lead­ing pub­lish­ers to trans­form and mod­ern­ize print pro­duc­tion and cross-media work­flows. A grow­ing ecosys­tem of devel­op­ers, sys­tem inte­gra­tors, print ser­vice providers and train­ing part­ners are help­ing brand-name news­pa­pers, mag­a­zines, retail­ers and adver­tis­ing agen­cies world­wide build their busi­ness­es on Adobe open-standards based pub­lish­ing technology. 

About Adobe Systems Incorporated 

Adobe helps peo­ple and busi­ness­es com­mu­ni­cate bet­ter through its world-leading dig­i­tal imag­ing, design and doc­u­ment tech­nol­o­gy plat­forms for con­sumers, cre­ative pro­fes­sion­als and enter­pris­es. Adobe’s rev­enue in its last fis­cal year exceed­ed $1.2 bil­lion. For more infor­ma­tion about Adobe, vis­it www​.adobe​.com.

© 2004 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved. Adobe, the Adobe logo, Acrobat, GoLive, Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop and Version Cue are either reg­is­tered trade­marks or trade­marks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or oth­er coun­tries. All oth­er trade­marks are the prop­er­ty of their respec­tive owners. 

Adobe Systems Incorporated
Denise Styerwalt, 408–536-6393
Stacey Long, 408–536-2430

1 thought on “BBC Magazines Migrates to Adobe InDesign

  1. Ian C. Matthew

    Not suprised. Yet anoth­er prover­bial rat leav­ing the sink­ing ship that is SS. Quark.

    Joking aside, it looks like Quark is in a very tricky posi­tion. Esp as unlike Adobe, MS, Corel and Macromedia, they have no oth­er true stand alone prod­ucts to fall back on.

    Read some­where that whilst QuarkXpress is still strong in the news­pa­per indus­tries, design stu­dios, ad agen­cies and mag­a­zines are mov­ing over to InDesign. How much of this is hppening?

    And are there any major newas­pa­pers which have moved from QuarkXpress to InDesign?

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