Download CS3 Replacement Icons

From 29 January 2007 through 23 April 2007, the Quark VS InDesign​.com Design Your Own Creative Suite 3 Icons Competition accept­ed entries of designs for alter­ate CS3 appli­ca­tion icons from design­ers and illus­tra­tors around the world. All the icon designs we received have been col­lect­ed and con­vert­ed to Mac- and Windows-friendly PNG and multi-size ICO files, and are below, free to down­load. Enjoy them on your com­put­er, com­pli­ments of the con­test entrants, con­tent prize fur­nish­ers, and Quark VS InDesign​.com.

Icons by Kimberly Smith

First Place Winner
Designed by: Kimberly Smith | United States

Download This Collection (Contains both PNG and ICO for­mat images for Mac and Windows.)

Judge’s Comments:
Kimberly Smith’s object-oriented graph­ics are instant­ly iden­ti­fi­able to the appli­ca­tions they rep­re­sent. Although visu­al­ly com­plex, they scale sur­pris­ing­ly well to even the small­est of the typ­i­cal icon sizes, 16x16 pix­els. I would like to have seen the Dreamweaver icon designed to fit the pur­pose of the Web design appli­ca­tion instead of its name, but the image is nice regard­less. My only oth­er com­plaint is with the InDesign icon. In the back­ground of the light­box some­thing has clear­ly been erased or paint­ed over, leav­ing harsh white stripes when the icon is viewed at larg­er sizes. Given that InDesign han­dles text more than imagery, I would also have liked to see a rep­re­sen­ta­tion of type amidst the light­box and slides.

Icons by Danny Dioguardi

Second Place Winner
Designed by: Danny Dioguardi | Canada

Download This Collection (Contains both PNG and ICO for­mat images for Mac and Windows.)

Judge’s Comments:
Danny Dioguardi’s evo­lu­tion of sym­bols from an homage to pre­vi­ous ver­sions through new sym­bols are beau­ti­ful­ly orig­i­nal, imme­di­ate­ly iden­ti­fy the appli­ca­tions they describe, and cer­tain­ly meet the cool­ness fac­tor. I’m so excit­ed by these designs that I’m pro­found­ly sad­dened by the fact that Danny only made these three. I would love to see the theme car­ried through the rest of the CS3-version applications.

Icons by Vito Zgonik

Third Place Winner
Designed by: Vito Zgonik | United Kingdom

Download This Collection (Contains both PNG and ICO for­mat images for Mac and Windows.)

Judge’s Comments:
I’m a fan of this set of nine icons from Vito Zgonik. They hold true to Adobe’s CS3 brand­ing scheme by using color-coded squares and two-letter iden­ti­fiers for appli­ca­tions, but return the sym­bols and func­tion­al com­mu­ni­ca­tion lack­ing in Adobe’s icons. Vito ele­gant­ly incor­po­rat­ed the sym­bols as sub­tle back­ground pat­terns where oth­ers might have been tempt­ed to add loud­er ele­ments to com­pete with the cen­tral let­ters. Two things pre­vent­ed this set of icons from scor­ing high­er in the com­pe­ti­tion: First, the styled F Flash icon broke ranks and retreat­ed into past Macromedia brand­ing instead of hold­ing a cohe­sive aes­thet­ic. Second, the sym­bols Vito used in some of the back­ground pat­terns did­n’t make sense. For instance, grass brush­es are used to rep­re­sent FreeHand and Photoshop. I could under­stand such a sym­bol applied to the vec­tor illus­tra­tion appli­ca­tion FreeHand or to Photoshop, which con­tains the grass brush pat­terns them­selves, but by employ­ing grass for both appli­ca­tion icons, it weak­ened the result for both and looks almost as if the artist ran out of ideas by the time he got around to design­ing the lat­ter of the two. Despite its rel­a­tive­ly minor flaws, the set is beau­ti­ful. I par­tic­u­lar­ly enjoy the way it incor­po­rates and updates the pop­u­lar glass-button style.

Icons by Danny Dioguardi

Designed by: Danny Dioguardi | Canada

Download This Collection (Contains both PNG and ICO for­mat images for Mac and Windows.)

Judge’s Comments:
Obviously influ­enced by the brand­ing of Macromedia appli­ca­tions before the acqui­si­tion by Adobe, Danny Diogaurdi’s round­ed let­ter­forms com­bine mod­ern and retro styles.

Icons by Joshua Cortese

Designed by: Joshua Cortese | NADC WSI TAFE NSW | Australia

Download This Collection (Contains both PNG and ICO for­mat images for Mac and Windows.)

Judge’s Comments:
Funky and orig­i­nal, Joshua Cortese’s set of eight CS3 appli­ca­tion icons is visu­al­ly intrigu­ing and fun.

Icons by Kimberly Smith

Designed by: Kimberly Smith | United States

Download This Collection (Contains both PNG and ICO for­mat images for Mac and Windows.)

Judge’s Comments:
Inspired by Adobe’s Apollo appli­ca­tion, Kimberly Smith rep­re­sents Adobe soft­ware as the Seven Wonders of the World in a very inter­est­ing interpretation.

Icons by Lauren Swaab

Designed by: Lauren Swaab | NADC WSI TAFE NSW | Australia

Download This Collection (Contains both PNG and ICO for­mat images for Mac and Windows.)

Judge’s Comments:
Eclectic and funky, Lauren Swaab’s design avoids the most com­mon clich­es that often appear in icon designs to cre­ate sur­pris­ing­ly effec­tive and refresh­ing­ly cre­ative images.

Icons by Loic Savrimoutou

Designed by: Loic Savrimoutou | NADC WSI TAFE NSW | Australia

Download This Collection (Contains both PNG and ICO for­mat images for Mac and Windows.)

Judge’s Comments:
Loic Savrimoutou’s hand-drawn, color-centric icons are a nice touch of minimalism.

Icons by Natasha KOLESNIKOV

Designed by: Natasha KOLESNIKOV | NADC WSI TAFE NSW | Australia

Download This Collection (Contains both PNG and ICO for­mat images for Mac and Windows.)

Judge’s Comments:
Beginning with pen­cil sketch­es, Natasha Kolesniko’vs vibrant Photoshop, ImageReady, Illustrator, and InDesign CS3 icons are fun, wild, and pleas­ing. Sitting beside computer-polished icons on a desk­top or dock, these real­ly stand out. They make me want to draw, which is the per­fect desire to elic­it when the icons rep­re­sent draw­ing and design applications.

Icons by Richard Scott

Designed by: Richard Scott | Australia

Download This Collection (Contains both PNG and ICO for­mat images for Mac and Windows.)

Judge’s Comments:
I was struck by the appro­pri­ate­ness and detail of the sym­bols in Richard Scott’s images, par­tic­u­lar­ly the dynam­ic of the fig­ures in the Acrobat icon. His Dreamweaver and Illustrator designs also were dead on in their illus­tra­tion of the con­cepts rep­re­sent­ed by those appli­ca­tions. What I did­n’t like about Richard’s icons was the asso­ci­a­tion to Microsoft Office brand­ing they brought to mind. Although Adobe appli­ca­tions inte­grate with one anoth­er about as well as Office appli­ca­tions, few feel excit­ed and cre­ative­ly inspired by Microsoft Office. The asso­ci­a­tion, I feel, hurts what is an oth­er­wise beau­ti­ful col­lec­tion of icons.

Icons by Rok Krznar

Designed by: Rok Krznar | United Kingdom

Download This Collection (Contains both PNG and ICO for­mat images for Mac and Windows.)

Judge’s Comments:
Rok Krznar updates the trend of glass-like user inter­face ele­ments by tak­ing Adobe’s flat CS3 icons and rais­ing them into charm­ing glass or plas­tic buttons.

Icons by Tim Nagle

Designed by: Tim Nagle | NADC WSI TAFE NSW | Australia

Download This Collection (Contains both PNG and ICO for­mat images for Mac and Windows.)

Judge’s Comments:
Tim Nagle’s icon set is a play­ful suite of illus­tra­tions. I found many of the sym­bols to be con­fus­ing, how­ev­er, such as the image of inscrib­ing a let­ter to rep­re­sent ImageReady, an appli­ca­tion whose func­tion was to pre­pare and process graph­ics for the Web.

Icons by Tyrone Blackman

Designed by: Tyrone Blackman | NADC WSI TAFE NSW | Australia

Download This Collection (Contains both PNG and ICO for­mat images for Mac and Windows.)

Judge’s Comments:
Whereas many of the oth­er con­test sub­mis­sions restored iden­ti­fi­able sym­bols imagery to Adobe’s color-coded iden­ti­fi­ca­tion of CS3 appli­ca­tions, Tyrone Blackman fol­lowed Adobe’s lead and took the theme a few steps fur­ther. With sub­tle shape dif­fer­ences, and with­out even the two-letter Periodic Table of the Elements-style monikers Adobe used, Tyrone’s designs iden­ti­fy InDesign, Illustrator, Flash, Dreamweaver, and Photoshop by only col­or . The result is cool and ultra-hip icons that work at any size.

Icons by Adam Betts

Designed by: Adam Betts | United States

Download This Collection (Contains both PNG and ICO for­mat images for Mac and Windows.)

Judge’s Comments:
Adam Betts brings the CS3 appli­ca­tion box imagery into the icons, retain­ing the fla­vor of Adobe’s vision but going beyond the sim­ple gra­di­ent, col­ored box­es of the default icons. This set was con­tributed to the library but was not con­sid­ered for judg­ing in the com­pe­ti­tion, at the author’s request.

Icons by Anatoliy Omelchenko

Designed by: Anatoliy Omelchenko | USA

Download This Collection (Contains both PNG and ICO for­mat images for Mac and Windows.)

Judge’s Comments:
Definitely among my favorites, Anatoliy Omelchenko’s abstract rep­re­sen­ta­tions of Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, and Acrobat. Simple in design but instant­ly rec­og­niz­able as har­bin­gers of their respec­tive appli­ca­tions, Anatoliy’s designs are remark­able exam­ples of graph­ic design. This set was con­tributed to the library but was not con­sid­ered for judg­ing in the com­pe­ti­tion, at the author’s request.


51 thoughts on “Download CS3 Replacement Icons

  1. Mark

    I can’t believe how bad these all are. The win­ning entry is so busy and looks like clip art with let­ters slapped on. 

    The only pro­fes­sion­al look­ing set is Adam’s and why he would­n’t allow it to be judged is beyond me.

  2. Matthew Treder

    This con­test, and the many fas­ci­nat­ing icon sets that have devel­oped out of Adobe’s staid, low-key new icon set, seem to bear out Adobe’s wis­dom in going with such a min­i­mal­ist approach. Would we have seen such an out­pour­ing of cre­ativ­i­ty had Adobe just gone with anoth­er vari­a­tion on the pre­vi­ous theme?

  3. José Ramos

    Wow! I have to agree with the judges. The first set is sim­ply amaz­ing. Very cre­ative and well designed. My only bit of con­struc­tive crit­i­cism is that these designs will get lost when reduced.

    But, con­grat­u­la­tions, non the less.

  4. Jim Kidwell

    I love this con­test and agree that the default CS3 icons leave a bit to be desired. I have to say that my favorites are the icons by Adam Betts and Vito Zgonik. Good stuff all around.

  5. mike ortega

    Very dis­ap­point­ed with these designs, all are way too busy. The thing about icons is they are icons… not mini web­sites. I already had Adam’s set from a link on life­hack­er(?) but the rest leave a lot to be desired. I also can’t believe that these were the only entries.

    Let it not go unno­ticed that I have no room to talk – as I entered squat :)

  6. Brett Archibald

    I have to agree with the first poster here. The major­i­ty of these icon sets are extreme­ly poor, way too busy, and don’t come any clos­er to “solv­ing the prob­lem” of Adobe’s orig­i­nal icons.

    I wish I had known about this com­pe­ti­tion soon­er, as I am in the process of design­ing my own CS3 icon replace­ment set and would have con­tributed what I have done so far.
    Have a look at the icons here:

  7. Mjenius

    Gotta love the Apollo and R2. Device cen­tral icons look like an old Ericsson cell I used to have. They’re nice, appar­ent­ly the Apple gel look is still in fashion.

  8. mat

    i’ll stick with the adobe icons i think.

    to be fair, some are bet­ter than oth­ers – but in gen­er­al, this is like a les­son in bad icon design, espe­cial­ly the ‘win­ner’.

  9. Chris

    Wow… all of these suck except Adam Betts and Rok Krznar’s entries. Why Mr. Betts chose not to have his entry judged is beyond me. All the oth­er icons look like cli­part with cheap word art and default PS brush­es slapped on…

  10. atom bum

    wow. The win­ner is sure hor­rid– like said, being low on con­cep­tu­al strength and con­trast, busy, unequal on inter­re­lat­ed visu­al vol­umes etc it pret­ty much breaks all the rules of good icon design. 

    I’ll stick with the orig­i­nal CS3 icons thanky­ou­very­much. You see, one thing they do real­ly well is stand out on my dock and enable me start up apps with a mere glance.

  11. jml


    Mostly, just hor­rid. I can see that, and I’m not a designer.

    Adam’s is nice, though.

  12. iJavaJoe

    Wow and I thought what adobe came up with was bad. Adam’s set isn’t bad, cer­tain­ly bet­ter then adobe’s; jml put it best, Ick!

  13. slim

    I’m sure the com­peti­tors put in alot of time and effort so I feel for them; how­ev­er, I do feel that the win­ner here is the Macromedia Team that devel­oped the orig­i­nal CS3 icons:

    I’ll stick with the orig­i­nal CS3 icons thanky­ou­very­much. You see, one thing they do real­ly well is stand out on my dock and enable me start up apps with a mere glance.

  14. Domi

    Arrrghh, my eyes! But seri­ous­ly, almost ll of these are tru­ly awful. The win­ning entry is incred­i­ble – they real­ly serve no pur­pose as icons. Adam Betts and Vito Zgonik seem like the only ones who have a clue! Then again, we should­n’t be sur­prised that Kimberly’s icon set won.

  15. mark

    1st place? are you kid­ding me? hideous. busy.

    kudos to adam, vito, and rok (although rok’s designs seem a bit dat­ed). still, cre­ative sim­plic­i­ty is best.

    the rest of the entries are absolute­ly atrocious.

    i’m still floored by the designs that won 1st place. what were the judges think­ing? oh, well.…

  16. Mr. Reeee

    I’m stunned at how bad these are! 

    The win­ning entry is absolute­ly dread­ful! No rela­tion between icons… they’re for a SUITE of appli­ca­tions! Fussy, busy, will not scale well! They’re pic­tures, NOT icons!

    Adam’s set is the best of the bunch.

    The results don’t sur­prise me in the least when look­ing at the dee-sign of this web site… Horrific.

  17. mtx

    It’s fright­en­ing, to me, that there are “design­ers” out there that are capa­ble of cre­at­ing such trashy icons (aside from Adam and even Rok’s). Even more fright­en­ing are the judges endors­ing such ter­ri­ble designs. Is this some sort of belat­ed April fools joke?

  18. Oyvind

    I total­ly agree with the first com­ment from Mark, most of these are plain ugly. Far too much detail, hor­ri­ble over­all look, and bad­ly executed.

    The only good ones are Vito and Adam’s icons.

  19. pbear

    Comments are spot on. Most of these haven’t reached the lev­el of sim­pli­fi­ca­tion to be icon­ic and the lev­el of con­sis­ten­cy to work togeth­er as a set.

    Anatoliy Omelchenko’s comes the clos­est I think to achiev­ing the goal among those who did­n’t fol­low the offi­cial Adobe CS3 style more close­ly (and some of those are nice­ly done as well).

    The con­test was a good idea though. :)

  20. patrick

    An icon should be able to instant­ly rep­re­sent visu­al­ly the appli­ca­tion it belongs to. All of this can be done in a visu­al­ly appeal­ing way, but with­out extra­ne­ous detail and fluff. The first place icon col­lec­tion is pathet­ic. Adam Betts’ design is the clear win­ner among the par­tic­i­pants, and worth the down­load. The rest are garbage (par­tic­u­lar­ly first place)!

  21. eric

    ouch! the win­ners icons are the worst i ever seen. hurts my eyes. 

    judge, hel­lo? i’m sure if some­one does some research, he’ll find out that these are just cli­part pic­tures. there is even a clue:

    In the back­ground of the light­box some­thing has clear­ly been erased or paint­ed over”

    is kim­ber­ly your best friend?

  22. Mjenius

    What? a recount?

    Wow, you guys are relent­less. Like a pack of starv­ing coy­otes on a wound­ed calf. lol

  23. Tim Houghton

    I was expect­ing at least a few good icons. Unfortunately these are almost all total­ly awful. Talk about a pile of shite! First place is par­tic­u­lar­ly shite.

    The only ones which are even remote­ly attrac­tive are Adam, Rok and Vito’s.

  24. pixeslut

    man… thoe win­ner’s are HORRIBLE. I know its been said in every post, but it bears repeat­ing, lest she ever get the idea of attempt­ing to design an icon set again.

    In fact most of them were bad. The only decents ones were Vito’s, Rok’s, and Adam’s. And adam was­nt even in for judging.

    Danny’s wer­ent hor­ri­ble either, i jsut dont liek the fact that he used the old imagery in his representations.

    Then again the new icons and brand­ing schema for the prod­uct lines dont both­er me at all. I thi­unk they could stand some glass as Vito or Rok have done, but they arent bad enough to make me change the icons the pro­grams are shipped with it.

  25. wes

    it’s easy to crit­i­cise and yes most of these are not great. Vito’s are clean and sophis­ti­cat­ed and I like Richard’s unique look­ing icons.

    I am puz­zled as to why every­one is rav­ing about Adam’s though.….just copy and paste from the new CS3 box­es!? Rok’s aswell look good but where is the originality?.….I believe this comp was about gen­er­at­ing new and unique icons. Although alot are poor at least it is obvi­ous they are orig­i­nal creations.

  26. cut-the-crap

    in fair­ness, a few are good but every­thing else are crap! sor­ry but i’m total­ly disappointed.

    those who agreed that the win­ner deserved it, sor­ry but i have to dis­agree. total­ly dis­agree. just look­ing at it’s pre­view size now, i don’t think it will look good on high res­o­lu­tion screens.

    every­thing sucks like quark.

  27. cut-the-crap

    to be fair, here’s my explanation:

    first prize: not too clear. dreamweaver = dream­catch­er?! pfff! inde­sign uses light­box? i think it’s for illus­tra­tor. the brand new spank­ing Photoshop became an old cam­era? illus­tra­tor: is that a trash­can? logos are not of the same size, not of the same look and feel, not fam­i­ly. this sucks big time. Not even the best.

    sec­ond prize: are those brooches?? What’s that ele­ment behind the logos? And it’s not CS Cubed. It’s CS THREE. It’s bare­ly read­able! OH CRAP!

    third prize: it’s just the orig­i­nal logo with back­ground on it and mur­dered the “fam­i­ly” feel of the set. It just replaced the flash logo and acro­bat. Not even good.

    And this site breaks on fire­fox espe­cial­ly this com­ment box.

  28. grunyen

    Am I the only one hav­ing trou­ble down­load­ing these? 

    I tried two sets (the only decent ones) and I get a zip that gives an unex­pect­ed end of archive error, and there’s only one or two icons inside.

  29. opeter

    I agree with these, that say, that most of these sets are quite ama­ter­ish and unprofessional.

    Also, i can­not under­stand, how did the jury choose the icons made by Kimberly Smith???

    Well, Kimberly tried, to mim­ic some Apple designe icons… so kitschy icons. OMG!

    The only three sets that i think should be at the top 3 are Adam Betts’s, Rok Krznar’s and Vito Zgornik’s icons.

    Sorry guys, but the jury did­n’t do a good job at all.

  30. Mike

    My first reac­tion is that most of the sets are some­what of a pick and choose. They fail to incor­po­rate icons for all the appli­ca­tions in the cre­ative suites. That should be points off. Adobe, I believe was try­ing to cap­ture the sim­plic­i­ty that macro­me­dia had with the logos and icons and even pack­ag­ing. Although I think Adobe should have car­ried over and adapt­ed the logos for their apps that macro­me­dia had, the icons tru­ly are per­fect as they are. Easier to find than the ever chang­ing flow­ers and feath­ers and what not, and uti­liz­ing a sol­id sin­gle col­or to real­ly make the icons stick out. If you notice you prob­a­bly see the col­or now quick­er than the let­ters mak­ing it easy to spot the app. Honestly I think there should be anoth­er con­test. Rules should include the whole suite of apps so that you would­nt have a cou­ple of odd­ball apps that dont match the fam­i­ly. And no using any of the past or cur­rent adobe ele­ments. This is a new era in adobes life and adobe is the only one that has cap­tured that fact. These icons are like look­ing at the first pass of con­cepts before real­ly ham­mer­ing out the cre­ative design. Be Creative and think about all aspects of the pur­pose of icons. Take the first three ideas you have sketch them out and then throw them away and start over. thats going to make your cre­ative juices boil over!

    Peace out!

  31. Raven

    I am inter­est­ed in what you the win­ners used to draw your images. I am reori­ent­ed to the mar­ket and aside from Photoshop/Illustrator (or sim­i­lar) pro­grams, what do you use to acquire light and 3‑d imag­ing? Assuming that there is more pro­gram use than straight com­put­er paint­ing. Any insights for a novice?

  32. 2nd_Designer

    It’s incred­i­ble that those icons won the first place… they look so child­ish it’s sim­ply unbe­liev­able. Just take a look at the Dreamweaver icon… WTH is that ? Dreamcatcher rep­re­sent­ing the Dreamweaver ? Why in the hell ? She ever used Dreamweaver in her life ? Also, InDesign icon as you already men­tioned, was bad­ly retouched, so many errors… you said it your­self… so why she won that first place in the end is beyond me.

    Only 100% pro­fes­sion­al icons are those done by Adam Betts who is real pro­fes­sion­al in every­thing he does. Same sto­ry goes for those done by Danny Dioguardi. Too bad he cre­at­ed 3 icons only.

    Conclusion: First place win­ner should be any­one else in this com­pe­ti­tion except this Kimberly character.

  33. Jason

    Don’t show lamb to a rabid wolf is the les­son of this page.

  34. Seth

    Has the “win­ner” ever used InDesign? How does a light­table with slides make any sense? It’s not Aperture, it’s a page lay­out pro­gram for chris­sakes! That’s about the worst thing an icon can do… look like a dif­fer­ent type of pro­gram entirely.

  35. nk

    First off, I wan­na tell this “cut-the-crap” char­ac­ter that this site does NOT break on Firefox (least not on my Firefox, any­way). I agree with most peo­ple here that Vito’s designs are very pleas­ant, and work nice­ly as a set. I dun­no why every­one is rav­ing about Adam Betts’ entry, th0ugh—scaled down, it looks like a vom­i­ty mess (maybe there are more sheep than wolves on this page?). 

    Now, Anatoliy is one guy who has­n’t got­ten enough cred­it; his designs aren’t the pret­ti­est on the desk­top, but they’re def­i­nite­ly the most thought­ful designs of the whole bunch—pity he only made 4 of dem… Danny’s designs are also good (see com­ment above, rinse, lath­er, repeat).

  36. Paul

    Oh my… this gives me renewed belief in my own abil­i­ty as an icon design­er, even though I’ve nev­er tried it before! I’m not a fan of the new Adobe logos either, but Rok Krznar’s mod­i­fi­ca­tion of them is bet­ter than any of the oth­er entries here.

  37. Vice

    I real­ly like Adam’s and Vito’s designs, sim­ple yet creative.

  38. Liam

    I agree with the first post. In my opin­ion awful icons apart, of course from Adam’s set.

  39. Allen

    Your icons are freeeek­ing awe­some! keep up the great work!

  40. casey

    i real­ly like adam’s. now how do i apply it???

  41. sarah

    No com­ment about the first place win­ner (as usual)…“kitsch” would be the only way to describe it. Admittedly, I was a bit nos­tal­gic for the old­er icons so I looked for replace­ments right away and set­tled with Vito’s because I did not want to ven­ture too far off of Adobe’s vision. I am not gaga about Adam’s like every­one else because color-wise they are a bit too busy and I did not like how the upper­case and low­er­case were near­ly the same size, shoved in the cor­ner as if they were about to melt off the page with the rest of the com­po­si­tion. I’ll even­tu­al­ly go back to Adobe’s orig­i­nal icons…but for now, Vito will help me through the transition.

  42. magus

    ter­ri­ble icons! all too busy! the first is absolute­ly hor­ri­ble! an icon nowa­days has to be sim­ple and con­trast­ing, and these are not!

  43. Girish

    hor­ri­ble icons! I real­ly like Adams Icons… I dont have com­ments on first place win­ner… Its look­ing horrible…

Comments are closed.