DTP Tools and Pariah S. Burke Ship Page Control 1.0, A Revolutionary New Plug-in for Adobe InDesign That Breaks the One-Document One-Page-Size Paradigm

PRAGUE, EU–Nov. 14, 2006–DTP Tools and Pariah S. Burke are pleased to announce that the Page Control ver­sion 1.0 plug-in for Adobe® InDesign® CS and CS2 is now ship­ping world­wide. Twenty-two years into the age of desk­top pub­lish­ing, Page Control final­ly enables users to break out of the one doc­u­ment, one page size paradigm.

Every day I see the needs and wants of cre­ative pro­fes­sion­als. I see the holes in cre­ative work­flows and the stum­bling blocks to cre­ative pro­duc­tiv­i­ty,” said cre­ative and pub­lish­ing work­flow guru, Pariah S. Burke. “After years of help­ing design­ers workaround the holes and stum­bling blocks, know­ing what solu­tions would help my cre­ative peers, but being unable to get the major soft­ware mak­ers to pro­duce them, I decid­ed to take mat­ters into my own hands.”

In ear­ly 2006 Burke approached Goldwein Research, Ltd, a Czech com­pa­ny known for releas­ing pro­duc­tiv­i­ty enhance­ment plug-ins for InDesign, QuarkXPress, and Adobe FrameMaker under its DTP Tools brand. Goldwein Research has had suc­cess­es with History, Layer Groups, X‑Ray, and Tetris palette-based plug-ins for InDesign, and Text Count, for InDesign, QuarkXPress, and FrameMaker.

Burke stat­ed: “The History and Layer Groups plug-ins for InDesign in par­tic­u­lar impressed upon me DTP Tools’ keen pro­gram­ming tal­ent, atten­tion to detail, and, most impor­tant­ly, their gen­uine desire to answer real world cre­ative work­flow needs. I knew they were the per­fect com­pa­ny to begin cod­ing my InDesign, QuarkXPress, Illustrator, Photoshop, and Acrobat solu­tion ideas into tan­gi­ble solutions.”

DTP Tools’ Jan Macuch said: “There can be no big­ger moti­va­tion for a soft­ware devel­op­er than to cre­ate func­tions every­body con­sid­ers impos­si­ble. When I was show­ing this plug-in to design­ers, most of them said they always want­ed such fea­ture, but did­n’t want to look fool­ish ask­ing for some­thing they con­sid­ered beyond the pos­si­bil­i­ties of cur­rent applications.”

It took 22 years, but now design­ers work­ing on pro­pos­als, reports, mag­a­zines, cat­a­logs, mar­ket­ing mate­r­i­al, and a hun­dred oth­er work­flows can final­ly pro­duce their entire project, com­plete with spread­sheets, maps, and oth­er fold­outs and odd-sized pages in a sin­gle doc­u­ment and layout—with run­ning page numbers— with­out clum­sy and risky workarounds. Page Control sends the Book palette back to its intend­ed use, and removes the need to use it for a stop­gap workaround on short­er doc­u­ments that just hap­pen to need mul­ti­ple page sizes or ori­en­ta­tions.” Burke added: “This is a big need—filled.”

Page Control is the first col­lab­o­ra­tion between the work­flow expert and the plug-in mak­er. The two are cur­rent­ly at work on oth­er solu­tions for InDesign, InCopy, QuarkXPress, and oth­er indus­try stan­dard cre­ative, pub­lish­ing, and pro­duc­tion tools.

Page Control Key Features

  • Resize one or every page or spread in a doc­u­ment individually.
  • Create land­scape and por­trait pages in the same document.
  • Resize mas­ter pages.
  • Automatic resiz­ing of pages accord­ing to mas­ter page.
  • Custom paste­board sizes.
  • Print or export to PDF retain­ing page sizes.
  • No new palettes; Page Control’s com­mands are added to InDesign’s own Pages palette menu.

A free Page Control Reader guar­an­tees InDesign doc­u­ments con­tain­ing mul­ti­ple page sizes will be acces­si­ble to, and editable by, ser­vice providers and col­lab­o­ra­tors who do not have Page Control installed.

Version 1.0 evolution

After a suc­cess­ful pub­lic beta peri­od through­out October, and with the excel­lent feed­back of design and print pro­fes­sion­al testers around the world, the final release of Page Control 1.0 resolves the fol­low­ing issues encoun­tered dur­ing beta testing:

  • Document Setup changes can now be applied either to just bleed and slug, or to page size too.
  • Several prob­lems with object shift­ing in doc­u­ments with non-facing pages were fixed.
  • Maximum page size and max­i­mum paste­board size issues were fixed.
  • Warning when print­ing mul­ti­ple page size doc­u­ment added.
  • Master page cre­ation from spread relat­ed bugs fixed.
  • Master page size over­ride set­tings are now main­tained when dupli­cat­ing page.
  • Creating mas­ter from spread keeps the cor­rect page size.
  • Objects do not move out of the paste­board area.

Pricing and Availability

Page Control is avail­able for InDesign CS and InDesign CS2 on both Windows and Macintosh OS X. A sin­gle license price is $59 USD and is avail­able for instant pur­chase and down­load from www​.dtp​tools​.com/​p​a​g​e​c​ontrol

A 14-day try-out ver­sion of Page Control is avail­able for down­load at www​.dtp​tools​.com/​p​a​g​e​c​ontrol
or at the fol­low­ing direct down­load links:

Mac try-out down­load: (1553 KB)

Windows try-out down­load: (2672 KB)

About DTP Tools

DTP Tools (http://​www​.dtp​tools​.com) is a brand of soft­ware from Goldwein Research com­pa­ny for design­ers and pub­lish­ers with a his­to­ry of cre­at­ing suc­cess­ful pro­duc­tiv­i­ty enhanc­ing plug-ins for InDesign and InCopy, Quarkxpress and FrameMaker. Our soft­ware tools are made for design­ers, pub­lish­ers, print­ers and every­one who works with print or elec­tron­ic pub­lish­ing. We com­bine the lat­est devel­op­ments in soft­ware tech­nol­o­gy with the demands of the indus­try. DTP Tools are an afford­able way to increase pro­duc­tiv­i­ty. Our tools take care of the rou­tine work leav­ing you to your creativity.

About Pariah S. Burke

A 20-year graph­ic design and pub­lish­ing vet­er­an, Pariah S. Burke is the for­mer train­er and InDesign, InCopy, and Illustrator Technical Lead to Adobe’s tech­ni­cal sup­port team. He is the author or coau­thor of three books on cre­ative soft­ware, the writer of more than 200 pub­lished arti­cles on graph­ic design and pub­lish­ing and the tools and busi­ness prac­tices of design and pub­lish­ing, and the pub­lish­er of the Web sites Quark VS InDesign​.com (http://​www​.QuarkVSInDesign​.com) and Designorati (http://​www​.Designorati​.com). In addi­tion to his writ­ing, Pariah is a work­ing graph­ic artist and work­flow effi­cien­cy con­sul­tant who trav­els around the world teach­ing and con­sult­ing on InDesign, InCopy, QuarkXPress, Illustrator, and all the mission-critical tools of the mod­ern, effi­cient cre­ative and pub­lish­ing work­flow under his WORKFLOW: Creative brand (http://​www​.work​flow​cre​ative​.com). He lives in Portland, Oregon where he is con­stant­ly seek­ing new ways to empow­er cre­ative professionals.



Jan Macuch
phone: +420.222.246.994
Goldwein Research Ltd.
33 Wenceslas Square
110 00 Prague,Czech Republic

Pariah S. Burke
phone: +1.503.422.7499

Download the Page Control, DTP Tools, and Pariah S. Burke logos. (804 kb)

Download the PDF press release. (242 KB)

2 thoughts on “DTP Tools and Pariah S. Burke Ship Page Control 1.0, A Revolutionary New Plug-in for Adobe InDesign That Breaks the One-Document One-Page-Size Paradigm

  1. Don't be crazy

    or just use XPress, Quark has been doing this for years, not rev­o­lu­tion­ary just fea­ture copy­ing for CS.

  2. Pariah S. Burke Post author

    or just use XPress, Quark has been doing this for years, not rev­o­lu­tion­ary just fea­ture copy­ing for CS. 

    No, it has­n’t, as I told you every­where else you post­ed your mis­in­formed statement.

    Page Control offers mul­ti­ple page sizes and land­scape and por­trait in one, con­tin­u­ous layout–page 1 can be 8.5x11, page 2 11x8.5, page 3 11x17, and so on.

    XPress only offers mul­ti­ple lay­outs in a sin­gle document–an idea Microsoft intro­duced, actually.

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