Photoshop CS3 for Digital Photographers DVD (for InDesign Users)

Every two weeks Quark VS InDesign​.com and XChange International gives away 2 great prizes–an extra­or­di­nary xten­sion for QuarkXPress and an incred­i­ble InDesign plug-in. All you have to do to win is…

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XChange International

Photoshop Cafe

That’s all. No pur­chase or song and dance nec­es­sary. A win­ner will be cho­sen at ran­dom from those who enter on this page.

This con­test has end­ed. On 2008-05-04 we gave
Photoshop Secrets: Photoshop CS3 for Digital Photographers by Colin Smith from Photoshop Café
To Chuck H. of Clearwater, Florida U.S.A.

Congratulations, Chuck! Get some prizes for your­self on our Contests & Giveaways page.

The DVD Video We Gave Away This Time

Photoshop Secrets: Photoshop CS3 for Digital Photographers by Colin Smith

Photoshop Secrets: Photoshop CS3 for Digital Photographers by Colin Smith
DVD Video from Photoshop Café

Get ready for a learn­ing adven­ture like nev­er before!

Learn the secrets of the pros from an award-winning expert who has excelled in the field and under­stands your needs and dead­lines. In a warm con­ver­sa­tion­al style, Colin clear­ly explains what you need to know with­out using emp­ty jar­gon. You can use these tech­niques with con­fi­dence, know­ing that these are the lat­est indus­try strength meth­ods that pro­duce pro­fes­sion­al results. All the new fea­tures of CS3 are cov­ered in depth.

If you are new to Photoshop, and old-hand or some­one look­ing to learn the “cor­rect” way of doing things, look no fur­ther. Watch over Colin’s shoul­der as he demys­ti­fies Photoshop CS3. You’ll learn all the short­cuts, tips and tricks from a true expert. Do you ever get frus­trat­ed with tuto­ri­als that don’t work in the real world? In many cas­es Colin shows you mul­ti­ple meth­ods so that you can choose the one that’s best for your pho­to. This is not like oth­er train­ing videos. The tech­niques aren’t from a class­room bub­ble. This is what works today in the real-world. There are no monot­o­ne pre­sen­ta­tions with bor­ing unin­spir­ing images. You’ll learn tons, you’ll have fun and most of all you’ll be inspired. See why mil­lions of peo­ple are pas­sion­ate about PhotoshopCAFE train­ing. (5,000,000 to date).

This fast load­ing DVD ROM con­tains over 6 hours of brand new sharp video.
The advanced inter­face allows the user to instant­ly jump to any of the 43 lessons with com­plete con­trol over the play­back. All the les­son files are includ­ed, so you can fol­low along at your own pace!

If you are a pho­tog­ra­ph­er, design­er, hob­by­ist, any­one who works with images, begin­ner to pro­fes­sion­al, this Disk is for you!

All new and updat­ed for CS3
All the Photoshop videos are brand new to this edi­tion of the disk. Many of the new CS3 fea­tures are explained and cov­ered, includ­ing Quick select, Smart Filters, Clone Source, new Curves, Black and White adjust­ment and more!

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