ex EPSCreator

Every two weeks Quark VS InDesign​.com and XChange International gives away 2 great prizes–an extra­or­di­nary xten­sion for QuarkXPress and an incred­i­ble InDesign plug-in. All you have to do to win is…

Sponsored By

XChange International


That’s all. No pur­chase or song and dance nec­es­sary. A win­ner will be cho­sen at ran­dom from those who enter on this page.

Note: There are 2 sep­a­rate give­aways run­ning con­cur­rent­ly. Entering on this page puts you in the run­ning for this QuarkXPress XTension give­away. If you would like a chance to win the oth­er give­away, for the InDesign plug-in, you must enter that con­test separately.

This Week's Giveaway

ex EPSCreator

ex EPSCreator (Mac Only)
QuarkXPress XTension from CoDesCo

Automate your EPS cre­ation includ­ing fonts

ex EPSCreator XTension auto­mates EPS, PS and PDF cre­ation with embed­ded fonts. To cre­ate PDF files Acrobat Distiller is need­ed, which will auto­mat­i­cal­ly be called by the XTension. In QuarkXPress, the XTension checks pre­de­fined fold­ers for incom­ing doc­u­ments. It auto­mates file gen­er­at­ing in QuarkXPress embed­ding all the required fonts in the new file(s). The work­flow of ad pro­duc­tion is now faster and easier.

In the pref­er­ences it is pos­si­ble to define: suf­fix, for­mat, size, scale, data and OPI infor­ma­tion and pre­view on or off. In the pref­er­ences dia­log you also spec­i­fy which fonts should or should not be includ­ed in the file.
If you want to have auto­mat­ic EPS, PS or PDF gen­er­at­ing, all you need is a com­put­er with QuarkXPress. The XTension con­trols the fold­er you have assigned as your import folder.

The XTension auto­mat­i­cal­ly loads files, cre­ates an EPS, PS or PDF with the embed­ded fonts and saves it to the pre­de­fined des­ti­na­tion fold­er for fur­ther production. 

In QPS the XTension looks for a cer­tain pre­de­fined sta­tus that has to be attained. It then checks out the doc­u­ment, cre­ates an EPS and checks it in back at a new status.

Operating System
Mac OS: X 10.5, X 10.4
QuarkXPress: 7.x
Language: German, English

Enter to Win

Please com­plete the below form before 11:59 PM (PST) on 2008-09-28 to enter this contest.

Important: Your mem­ber pro­file must include your real name, e‑mail address, tele­phone num­ber, and mail­ing address pri­or to com­plet­ing the entry form. We can’t deliv­er a prize if we don’t where to send it! The win­ner’s name, e‑mail address, tele­phone num­ber, and mail­ing address will be pro­vid­ed to the prize fur­nish­er for the pur­pose of prize fulfillment.

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