2 thoughts on “FotoFriday Week 12

  1. user

    What are these ugly stock pho­tos sup­posed to do for us? Convince us not to both­er with the stock com­pa­ny that is unload­ing this cheap crap on us? Dont both­er with this give­away stuff its not work­ing. Give us site content/articles etc…

  2. Pariah S. Burke

    Hi. I would have respond­ed by pri­vate e‑mail as well, but that isn’t possible.

    First, thank you for voic­ing your opin­ion. I always appre­ci­ate the opin­ions of read­ers about the type of con­tent we publish.

    While I under­stand and appre­ci­ate your sen­ti­ment, FotoFriday is a very pop­u­lar fea­ture. Each week upwards of 800 peo­ple (aver­age) down­load a FotoFriday image. It has proven a very pop­u­lar free resource we’re hap­py to give out.

    Still, I under­stand you aren’t a fan of FotoFriday. It is but one fea­ture among numer­ous arti­cles. I hope you are able to ignore it each Friday and eas­i­ly get to the articles.


    Pariah S. Burke

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