Free X-Rays

2,000 free X-Rays for Quark VS readers.

Free X‑Rays

Our friends at X‑Ray Magazine are giv­ing 2,000 print­ed copies of X‑Ray’s first issue in sev­en years exclu­sive­ly to read­ers of Quark VS InDesign​.com. If you’re a QuarkXPress user, curi­ous about Quark 7, or just a fan of stun­ning mag­a­zine design, go get your free copy of X‑Ray vol. 3, no. 1.

UPDATE: Printed copes of X‑Ray Magazine can only be shipped to address­es in the United States. However the PDF ver­sion is avail­able to any­one, any­where in the world.

6 thoughts on “Free X-Rays

  1. Michael Holdren

    I filled out the form and hit the “Submit” but­ton, but was then sent to this link:

    Thanks Quark, for fail­ing yet again with iden­ti­fy­ing with the user experience.

  2. Pariah S. Burke

    Hi, Michael.

    I just went through the form and sub­mit­ted it with­out issue. 

    What brows­er are you using? Do you have any secu­ri­ty in place (e.g. fire­wall, web­site blockers)?

    If all else fails, send your infor­ma­tion as you would fill it out on the form direct­ly to me via e‑mail (please answer all the fields so X‑Ray gets the infor­ma­tion it needs). I’ll for­ward your e‑mail to X‑Ray’s pub­lish­er so you can get your free copy.

  3. dm

    I com­plet­ed the form, but did not fill out their marketting/spam ques­tion­aire and was sent to a page that said:

    You will receive an e‑mail after the 28th con­tain­ing a link from which you will be able to secure­ly down­load your copy of X‑Ray Magazine.

    so why both­er if you can downoad the pdf online

  4. Michael Holdren


    Becuase the print­ed piece is the pin­na­cle point of a pub­lished doc­u­ment. Layout design is one thing, but what paper stock did Quark’s design­ers choose? is it gloss or mat­te? Is it heavy weight or flim­sy text weight? How is it bound? I want to see how Qaurk car­ries this through to the end.

  5. Pariah S. Burke


    That’s their stan­dard order con­fir­ma­tion page for X‑Ray. It was released 28 March (which is the “after the 28th”), but it was avail­able for pre-order before that. Everyone from whom I’ve heard received their e‑mail link inside a few hours of fill­ing out the form.

    As far as the val­ue of the print­ed issue verus the PDF: I have to agree with Michael. PDF is nice, and it will give you all the infor­ma­tion and illus­tra­tion, but you can’t beat hold­ing a print­ed work in your hands.

    As a long-time mag­a­zine design­er (among many oth­er things), I, for one, appre­ci­ate the design of X‑Ray. The TOC in par­tic­u­lar stands out as just beau­ti­ful­ly designed. With a mag­a­zine about a design prod­uct, whose read­er­ship is cre­ative pros, one has a respon­si­bil­i­ty to make the lay­out great. But that respon­si­bil­i­ty is free­ing. There’s so much more one can do with peri­od­i­cal design when the sub­ject itself is design; you can take lib­er­ties and risks that sim­ply would­n’t fly with a fash­ion, news, or gen­er­al inter­est monthly.

    Whatever you think of Quark or even the con­tent of X‑Ray, you have to admire its design. And that design can only tru­ly be appre­ci­at­ed by a design­er’s dis­cern­ing eye in print.

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