Get the QuarkXPress 7 Public Beta

After a year of teasing, Quark today released XPress 7--as a beta.

QuarkXPress 7 Beta Program Opens to Public
QuarkXPress 7 Beta Program Opens to Public

Though still not ready for release, you can final­ly get your hands on QuarkXPress 7 by sign­ing up for the pub­lic beta pro­gram. The beta, which will auto­mat­i­cal­ly expire after 31 March 2006, is avail­able today as a 111 MB Windows down­load or 143 MB Mac down­load for QuarkXPress 7, QuarkXPress 7 International English ver­sion, and QuarkXPress Passport 7. After sign­ing up, you will be e‑mailed with the loca­tion of teh down­loads, and a pass­word to access them.

Also released is the QuarkXPress 7 fea­tures list, which includes every­thing Quark has been leak­ing over the last twelve months, but no sur­pris­es. Transparency and OpenType will, of course, be sup­port­ed, includ­ing back­ground trans­paren­cy for PSD files–a fea­ture sore­ly missed in the QuarkVista 6.5 upgrade.

View the com­plete list of QuarkXPress 7 fea­tures or sign-up for the pub­lic beta pro­gram from the QuarkXPress 7 web­site.

17 thoughts on “Get the QuarkXPress 7 Public Beta

  1. Sven Trigusson

    QuarkXPress 7, QuarkXPress 7 International English ver­sion, and QuarkXPress Passport 7

    (empha­sis added)

    If QXP 7 has moved to Unicode, then why is Passport still around? Something’s fishy here…

  2. BCS

    I agreed about Unicode and still Int’l English and Passport being around. I have decid­ed that they will con­tin­ue to charge for inter­na­tion­al ver­sions because of hyphen­ation tables. So you can put German sym­bols into a reg­u­lar Quark doc­u­ment, but hype­nat­ing German lan­guage copy is only hap­pen­ing in Passport.

  3. trinityss

    zoom­fac­tor still 800%, still that anoy­ing paste­board limitation…
    the same old inter­face. WOW very impres­sive and exciting.

  4. Monica

    After sev­er­al hours of strug­gling on Quark web­site to get down­load on a broad­band con­nec­tion I had to give up. If the com­pa­ny does not even care to dis­trib­ute its down­loads in a respon­si­ble fash­ion, I am cer­tain about the qual­i­ty of the prod­uct itself !!!!!!!!!!! crap­py as always.

  5. Andy C

    Still not as good as Indesign!!! but a nice try from Quark! I forsee this com­pa­ny loos­ing thou­sands of cus­tomers. This should have been
    an inde­sign CS 2 Beater, but it does­nt even come close to Indesign CS. Quark should have improved its prod­uct years ago, way to late now in my opin­ion . Sorry Im stick­ing with Adobe!

  6. Sam

    Good work in almost all areas. This release is worth more than appre­ci­a­tion. I real­ly won­der how Andy C com­pared it with ID, Xpress 7 is far bet­ter than ID in more areas than ID is bet­ter. The new UI makes the expe­ri­ence more won­der­ful. I appre­ci­ate the good work put in by Quark. I am eagr­ly wait­ing for Samuel and Pariah ‘s com­ment on this release.

  7. Sven Trigusson

    I have decid­ed that they will con­tin­ue to charge for inter­na­tion­al ver­sions because of hyphen­ation tables. So you can put German sym­bols into a reg­u­lar Quark doc­u­ment, but hype­nat­ing German lan­guage copy is only hap­pen­ing in Passport.

    Ah, pay a steep­er price for hyphen­ation, while ID has hyphen­ation dic­tio­nar­ies for all its sup­port­ed lan­guages on any lan­guage ver­sion. Nice way to attract cus­tomers, Quark…

  8. Andy C

    SAM, How can you say Quark 7 is bet­ter. Wheres the PSD support,
    You can’t even open Indesign Documents either! Wheres the fil­ters and effects. WOW I can drop shad­dow now but I could do that years ago with Indesign. What about Outlining text! Forgotten that did­dnt you Quark etc! I dont like the slop­py menus either still feels like an OS9 Package! As for Print pro­duc­tion, Who cares any more with PDF Workflows in place. Most PDF work­flows have there own impo­si­tion soft­ware! so theres no need for Quarks extra print options. Gone are the days of Film Spearation. all you need is Acrobat and Pitstop for the best PDF’s!! Get with the times Quark!!!
    As for SAM I sug­gest that you learn Indesign, Properly!!!! Adobe are the BEST!!!

  9. Jim Oblak

    PSD sup­port is not in the pub­lic beta but it will be bet­ter than Adobe’s offer­ing in some ways. Of course, Adobe can raise the stakes by imple­ment­ing bet­ter PSD import func­tion­al­i­ty in IDCS3.

    And that is what you call competition.

    The mil­i­tant Quark/Adobe flam­ing seems odd. Even Adobe wor­ship­pers should hope that Quark does not fail in this release. We need com­pe­ti­tion or else we will all be stuck for sver­al years with anoth­er stag­nant indus­try stan­dard. I’ve yet to be over­whelmed by QuarkXPress 7 but it is good to see that they are try­ing to stay in the game.

    As for all of us, I sug­gest that we know both QuarkXPress and InDesign. A ver­sa­tile design­er is the BEST!!!

  10. Hal Foley

    My expe­ri­ence with the Beta has­n’t been good. It is very slow. Importing Photoshop EPS files takes for­ev­er. I thought the pro­gram hung-up after 15 min­utes. I was just get­ting ready to force quit when it came up. Writing PostScript takes over 15 min­utes a page if you have trans­paren­cy effects in them. I sin­cere­ly hope that this will be all opti­mized by the final prod­uct, because right now it is unus­able in a print pro­duc­tion workflow.

  11. Jean-Claude Tremblay

    I have many print test with the pub­lic beta, most­ly involv­ing trans­paren­cy. Althought it seems to be work­ing well when apply­ing them inside the appli­ca­tion, it pro­duce real­ly bad out­put either when export­ed as PDF, or EPS or direct print. Stiching effect, mis­laigned raster data region, down­sam­pling or images, type clip­ping, even some opac­i­ty that does not out­put at all, vec­tor art con­vert to raster, spot col­or con­vert to process and many many crash… 

    My gen­er­als feel­ing about it right now is that If their trans­paren­cy flat­ten­er stay the way it is work­ing in this pub­lic beta, Quark 7 shall be avoid­ed com­plete­ly if what you desires is accu­rate and trou­ble free output. 

    But this is a beta… so their is hope that var­i­ous prob­lems will be adressed before release. It’s a must! They will not have a sec­ond chance to do it right.

  12. Voltar

    WOW!!! I am so buy­ing this! It actu­al­ly knows to put an icon in the dock! WOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Those Adobe Bastards MAKE me put it in myself. What a jyp!

    Oh…and it’s a 90’s retread, too.

  13. sandip chopra

    Impressive!!!! Look at the mea­sure­ment palette!! Great work !! i am hap­py to see Quark sup­port­ing trans­paren­cy. But where is PSD Import xten­sion ? I hope it will be there in release and also with enhance­ments like trans­paren­cy sup­port. The JDF con­cept looks great but pro­vid­ed with a UI that is dif­fi­cult to under­stand. May be this is new fea­ture and we get more habit­u­al after hav­ing our hands on it and will reduce a large amount of has­sels dur­ing out­put. Vista looks good with improved performance(as we faced big per­for­mance issues in xpress 6.5 vista). Another great step is com­po­si­tion zones. I faced a few crash­es while work­ing with com­po­si­tion. I hope they get resolved on release.
    With this release Quark turn­ing lay­out design­ing into a more easy and man­age­able col­lab­o­ra­tive effort.
    There are some per­for­mance issues but yes this is beta.

    i ll post more of these com­ments as i get some more time to see QUarkXPress 7.0.

  14. Alex McKenna

    I just tried the Beta, and trans­formed a mag­a­zine page with shad­ows, trans­paren­cy and so on. Looks quite promis­ing, but on my 1.25gHz eMac it ran rather slow and jerky. I was nev­er quite sure if the Mac was respond­ing to my actions. It had to “think” about every task for a sec­ond or two.
    Sadly, when I tried to open that page today, it crashed the soft­ware and so far is irre­triev­able. That prob­lem reminds me of the rea­son I always use 1‑page doc­u­ments in Quark – nev­er an 80-page one for a whole mag­a­zine! Once you’ve lost an entire issue to a Quark cor­rup­tion, you learn your lesson.

  15. Edward

    Alex, you seem to be using the beta ver­sion in your mag­a­zine. I tried it out as well. I dont know if you tried com­po­si­tion zones and job jack­ets. If not, i sug­gest you rope in your edi­to­r­i­al group for CZ and your design­ers for JJ – its amaz­ing how much faster you can cre­ate the mag­a­zine. The per­for­mance issues are being faced here as well, it is a lit­tle slow, but then i did­nt expect a lot from this beta.

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