Giving Away 25 Gmail Invitations - Comment To Get One!

25 Gmail Invitations Up For Grabs
25 Gmail Invitations

So you say you still don’t have a Gmail account? You’re still miss­ing out on that 1GB of access-anywhere e‑mail storage?

Fret no longer, friend! You can have Gmail for the low, low cost of a sin­gle com­ment on this post!

Inspired by fel­low Weblogs, Inc. blog­ger Marc Orchant, who just gave away all of his 50 Gmail invi­ta­tions, I’m break­ing into your nor­mal Quark VS InDesign news and opin­ions to offer up my remain­ing 25.

If you don’t already have Gmail, leave a com­ment on this post. Enter your e‑mail address in the appro­pri­ate field on the com­ments form, and I’ll give you the Gmail hookup.

Limit one per per­son; to active com­ments and valid e‑mail address­es only; first come, first served; not avail­able to employ­ees of Émigré Type Foundry, who dis­al­low embed­ding of their fonts in PDFs, thus mak­ing press work a @#$%!.

(Just kid­ding. Émigré employ­ees can get Gmail invi­ta­tions too.)

42 thoughts on “Giving Away 25 Gmail Invitations - Comment To Get One!

  1. El Charo

    Hum dig­i­ty,
    Though it does­n’t have much to do with Quark or InDesign, I have been inter­est­ed in try­ing the G since it came out. Thanks for the Oportunity PSB..

  2. marco

    Hee, this is real­ly nice! I could real­ly use the Gmail! Please keep up the Quark vs InDesign artik­les. Looking fore­ward to the InDesign Conference in Amsterdam, Europe!

  3. Koert Posthumus

    He! This is cool! Indesign rules!!!!
    I realy can use a lot of space for email

  4. Brian B,

    Excellent site. I’m am sold on InDesign, but still have to con­tend with Quark dai­ly. Nice use of col­ors and use­ful con­tent. Thank you very much.

  5. lee

    this is a cool site; i just stum­bled onto it. thanks.

  6. Steven Ko

    Thanks. Found your site via a pub​lish​.com sto­ry on the quark post­cards. Hilarious stuff. Keep up the good work.

  7. Brookes McKenzie

    I’d love an invite if I’m not too late – thanks!

  8. Pariah S. Burke

    Thanks, Steven!

    It’s not too late–everytime I dip below 50 invites, GMail tops me off. So, con­ceiv­ably, I have an unlim­it­ed num­ber of invites.

  9. Brandon

    I would love a gmail invite if you still have one. Thanks!

  10. Daniel Rodney

    If you still have any, please send one my way!

    Thanks so much… and a great site. Keep up the great work.

  11. High Rolla

    if you all can offer me one gmail please do, i have been look­ing for one for so long now
    thanks alot for this oppertunity

  12. nichole brass

    Can you please offer me a gmail i’m dying for one please and thank you

  13. Antoine

    I hope I can get an invi­ta­tion from You, to get a gmail!!! I have a friend who has one and so I would like one to!! I hope you will be friend­ly and offer one to me… Bye!

  14. leiia

    Great site. Quark and InDesign are both tools , I use. Gmail will be great to have! Thanks!

  15. patrick

    Uh, yeah I love InDelign. Gmail now. Seriously, this is a cool site.

  16. llprice

    I learned to use Quark first, pre­fer Indesign, and would love
    to have Gmail. Please, Please!

  17. Jonathan

    I have 50 Gmail Invites to give away. Just post your e‑mail in a response on my blogspot URI and one will be on the way. I promise not to spam any­ones e‑mail box with any­thing . I just want to spread the joy of hav­ing Gmail to every­one that i can and as long as they con­tin­ue to give me invites. http://​dcgraphicsX​.blogspot​.com

  18. Peace


    Could you please send me a gmail invite.



  19. John Michael

    Hope i’m still in time!. Could you please send me one? Thanks!!!

  20. karen Newton

    Found your site through design search­ing. Cool site. Would love an invi­ta­tion for a Gmail, thanks in anticipation,

  21. Marucha

    I have few gmail invi­ta­tions left. If some­body wants one, just email me – Old punx nev­er die! :)

    [Author’s e‑mail address removed by edi­tor (hi!) to spare him the inevitable flood of spam that would be gen­er­at­ed by post­ing it in the open. ‑Ed]

  22. sophia manola

    please could you send me an invi­ta­tion for gmail.
    i did­n’t know that it could be so easy!
    thank you ery much !

  23. Choeun

    hi can you hook me up with a gmail invi­ta­tion thank you..

  24. Radhika Relia

    I hope I can get hooked up with gmail invi­ta­tion– I doubt if i am too late

  25. audrey byrne

    Cool Site, nice des­gn, easy to nav­i­gate. Do you have any gmail invites left ? Pleaseeeeeeee

  26. audrey byrne

    Cool Site, nice des­gn, easy to nav­i­gate. Do you have any gmail invites left ? Pleaseeeeeeee

  27. rob

    i like the site nice logo throw me a gmail if you got any left

  28. Jeremiah

    Pls send me one invi­u­ta­tion i m gying to have a gmail account



  30. Doug Devall

    I am inter­est­ed in a Gmail invite if you have any remain­ing. Thank you.

  31. idol_handzz

    If I could get a gmail account, that would be awe­some.. and I will give any invites I get away in the same fashion!


  32. Ed

    G‑mail account for a com­ment? Here’s mine–it’s a deal!

  33. Hans van Herwijnen

    I am inter­est­ed in Gmail invite me please if you have any remain­ing. Thanx

  34. Sean Thompson

    Hi, If any Gmail invites still avail­able, I would like one
    Thanks |S|

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