Graphics Software: Life After Macromedia

Pundit Glenn Fleischman at Tom's Hardware Guide speculates on the future of graphics software companies, draws surprising and insightful conclusions

The impend­ing merg­er, where Adobe will assim­i­late long-time multimeda-software play­er Macromedia, has many graph­ics pro­fes­sion­als won­der­ing what’s to come next. There has been much spec­u­la­tion about the sta­tus and the future of pro­grams such as FreeHand and DreamWeaver and what this means to Adobe going forward.

In a brief and insight­ful arti­cle on the tech-omnibus site Tom’s Hardware Guide, writer Glenn Fleischman can­ni­ly reviews the his­to­ry of graph­ic soft­ware firms, does a lit­tle family-tree trac­ing, and spec­u­lates on Adobe’s future competitors. 

His con­nec­tions are as valid as they are unex­pect­ed, and his con­clu­sion about who Adobe’s future com­peti­tors will be will sur­prise those who debate Adobe vs Quark…it’s not who you’ll think it is.

Quark scarce­ly shows up in his assess­ment but for a cou­ple of pass­ing ref­er­ences. In fact, in the begin­ning, Adobe itself was just a play­er amongst a group of play­ers when Acrobat began to raise it to promi­nence, then growth on the basis of such apps as Illustrator and Photoshop, and tech­nolo­gies like PostScript. 

Over time, Adobe has inno­vat­ed and acquired tehnolo­gies that put it at the fore­front of just about every­thing, except Web design and ani­ma­tion, which belong to Macromedia’s Flash and DreamWeaver. With the absorp­tion of Macromedia, Adobe has posi­tioned itself to pro­vide tools that cov­er inter­ac­tive con­tent for portable devices…a lev­el of play that only big boys such as Apple and Microsoft are even on at all, and Quark is nowhere near, despite its addi­tion of Web-design tools to XPress.

We design tool users debate which will come out in the end-XPress or InDesign, but this would seem to be but a small piece of the over­all bat­tle­field. Fleishman offers the insight that the future could well be in the mobile ‘web, and Adobe could now con­quer a sig­nif­i­cant por­tion of that new world.

And, in the larg­er sense, Adobe’s bête noir might not be Quark after all. I rec­om­mend read­ing this.

You can find it at this link.

6 thoughts on “Graphics Software: Life After Macromedia

  1. Pariah S. Burke

    It’s not a total sur­prise to every­one. :-)

    Over the din of angry Macolytes I’ve been say­ing for two years now that Apple is tar­get­ing Adobe and oth­er appli­ca­tion devel­op­ers on whose prod­ucts Mac sales are large­ly depen­dent. As I’ve report­ed in the past, Apple is devel­op­ing or has devel­oped com­pet­ing prod­ucts in most of the mar­kets that direct­ly affect Mac hard­ware and OS sales. One appli­ca­tion at a time, they are mov­ing to sup­plant the dom­i­nance of MS Office, for example. 

    Two years ago I pre­dict­ed Pages, Motion, iWork, and Tiger’s Core Image, though, as will undoubt­ed­ly echo fol­low­ing this com­ment, the blind­ly Mac-loyal shout­ed me down (even when oth­er ana­lysts pla­gia­rized me).

    For 18 months now Apple has had a ful­ly func­tion­al com­peti­tor to Photoshop. I haven’t seen it, nor do I know its capa­bil­i­ties com­pared with Photoshop CS or CS2, but appar­ent­ly Apple feels it’s ready to roll, accord­ing to a source inside Apple. The impend­ing Adobe-Macromedia merg­er has undoubt­ed­ly pushed back the time­frame for cross­ing that par­tic­u­lar point-of-no-return. Core Image is Steve Jobs toe­ing the line.

  2. Samuel John Klein

    Thanks for fol­low­ing that with your own insights. Having some idea of what your expeirence are they fill in the need­ful per­spec­tive gaps in my own POVs. Also, while I am quite in love with my Mac, since I“m not a Mac user since “back in the day”, I tend to take such views with a lot more tem­per­ance. I, frankly, can’t com­pre­hend when peo­ple react so.

    I’m some­what famil­iar with your view­point on Apple’s soft­ware evo­lu­tion, and I’d say that Fleishman’s view vin­di­cates yours to a great degree. If we accept that Apple and Adobe are now very close to being peers, it only makes sense that Apple will try to steal some of Adobe’s thun­der. I remem­ber the loss of bon­homie between the two com­pa­nies that made news..what was it, about a year and a half ago?

    Since you men­tioned, I have had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to see Pages. It was an inter­est­ing thing to try to use. It seems to be large­ly some­thing more rich than Word but less rich than Publisher or PageMaker. Like a word proces­sor that wants to be page lay­out when it grows up. Could this be the begin­ning of an app to go up against InDesign (if I read Fleischman cor­rect­ly, it cer­tain­ly would­n’t be com­pet­ing with Quark…or would it?)

    Moreover, Apple may be of the opin­ion that they have a prod­uct that could go up against Photoshop…but would that be a rea­son­able thing for Apple to assume? PS seems more entrenched in more con­situen­cies than even Quark was.

    Also, I hear a great deal about Core Image, but I just don’t have enough min­utes in the day to chase down exact­ly what that means or why I should care. Could you define that?

  3. tristan defew

    we hav a debate going on at our work, 2 which is the best soft­ware 2 use for mak­ing up book work, which involves art­works. I like quark, but a per­son in the office keeps goin bout inde­sign, which I also have used, but tend to lend towards quark. What does quark hav and do bet­ter, which inde­sign can’t/struggle 2 do. Please help this bloke is doin my head in!!

  4. Samuel John Klein

    Personally speak­ing, I haven’t used either to do books or long doc­u­ments, at least not yet. I“ll have to defer to reputation-which sug­gests that Quark may be bet­ter for books, but that may just be because it’s entrenched-and oth­er peo­ple’s experiences.

    If you’re look­ing for lay­out soft­ware that involves books includ­ing art­work, I’d go for InDesign and the Creative Suite. No oth­er pro­gram at this time han­dles graph­ics so well; trans­paren­cy is rec­og­nized in TIFFs, so no clip­ping paths are nec­es­sary, and you can use PSDs and AI files native­ly, with­out the need for conversion.

    Quark has come up with free XTensions that pro­vide native PSD Import, and the new QuarkVista XTension allows for inline non-destructive image adjust­ments. PSD Import is good, and QuarkVista is good…QuarkVista is quite a resource hog though.

    Anyone else care to chime in on this?

  5. Janes Mann

    Hi tris­tan, Quark is still the best lay­out pro­gram our pub­lish­ing indus­try can have.Wait for 7.0, Quark XPress won’t be easy to resist.

  6. Pariah S. Burke

    Actually, the very best appli­ca­tion for long books is FrameMaker, but it is decid­ed­ly not design­er friend­ly. It’s a tech­ni­cal writer’s dream application.

    If you want a more designer-friendly envi­ron­ment, look toward Quark and InDesign. At present, InDesign is your best bet, as Sam sug­gest­ed. It han­dles long doc­u­ments and book design quite well (I’ve per­son­al­ly used both it and Quark [ver­sion 4.1] for book production).

    As Janes notes, Quark 7 might be a com­pet­i­tive choice, but no one who can talk about it has seen it. It has­n’t been shown to mem­bers of the press with­out a non-disclosure agree­ment. And, at the moment, we have only the word of peo­ple like Janes who use appar­ent­ly throw-away e‑mail addres at free ser­vices like Yahoo and GMail to fer­vent­ly spread vague and unquan­ti­fied pro­pogan­da about it.

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