History 2.0 Plug–In for Adobe InDesign and InCopy Released

History 2.0 plug–in for Adobe InDesign and InCopy is released

Press Release

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Prague, EU–(QUARKvsINDESIGN.com)–July 13, 2005–DTP Tools announces imme­di­ate avail­abil­i­ty of its Adobe InDesign and InCopy plug–in History 2.0. History 2.0 is a next gen­er­a­tion of our very pop­u­lar plug-in History 1.0.

DTP Tools History 2.0 plug-in brings the use­ful History pan­el known from Photoshop to InDesign, with added and improved fea­tures. As a ï¬rst prod­uct of this kind it sup­ports undo beyond cur­rent session. 

It rep­re­sents sim­ple, yet invalu­able solu­tion which short­ens the time of undo­ing actions and simplifies ori­en­ta­tion in his­to­ry. Using History 2.0 also decreas­es the risk of loos­ing work, thanks to the sep­a­rate data­base of ver­sion states, which doesn’t get delet­ed by cer­tain actions (e.g. Save as), unlike the In Design’s data­base of past actions. Versions saved using History plug-in remain in the doc­u­ment even after closing. 

New features

History 2.0 now saves select­ed his­to­ry states as Versions with­in a doc­u­ment. Versions allow user to revert to rep­re­sent­ed state regard­less of elapsed time, num­ber of steps made or clos­ing and reopen­ing the document. 

Did you delete some impor­tant text or image yes­ter­day? With History 2.0 plug-in installed it’s no longer a prob­lem. Documents saved with History can still be opened in InDesign with­out this plug-in. 

Version 2.0 sup­ports InDesign and InCopy CS2. 

Key features

History 2.0 keeps track of past actions of your work on InDesign doc­u­ments. It shows all states you can revert to in a list and allows you to save ver­sions with­in the document. 

Apart from see­ing all avail­able redo and undo steps, you can also save ver­sions (man­u­al­ly or auto­mat­i­cal­ly). Versions allow user to revert to rep­re­sent­ed state regard­less of elapsed time, num­ber of steps made or clos­ing and reopen­ing the document. 

With History 2.0 user can also cre­ate new doc­u­ment from cur­rent state by a sin­gle click. History 2.0 is com­pat­i­ble with InDesign and InCopy CS & CS2 on both, Mac and PC. 

Pricing and availability

14 days try–out ver­sion of History is avail­able for down­load at http://​www​.dtp​tools​.com/​h​istory
On the same URL you can also pur­chase the license. Product is deliv­ered only in elec­tron­ic form. Single license price is $39 . There is also a 20% dis­count for the first 21 cus­tomers. Upgrade from History 1.0 is free.

About DTP Tools and Goldwein Research Ltd.

DTP Tools is a brand of soft­ware for design­ers and pub­lish­ers cre­at­ed by the Goldwein Research com­pa­ny. DTP Tools devel­ops InDesign, InCopy, QuarkXPress and FrameMaker solutions. 

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