Latest issue oohs and awes over InDesign CS2, but returns to current InDesign version for strong how-tos

The April/May issue of InDesign Magazine released today, and it is packed to capacity with InDesign CS2 news and how-tos.
In David Blatner’s interview with Mike Wallen, Senior Product Manager for InDesign CS2, we get a glimpse inside the world of creative software development. Anyone who has ever asked, why did they include this feature but leave out that one, will gain a new understanding of how Adobe makes development decisions and who is really behind the new features of your favorite tools.
In a masterful parallel footnotes in InDesign are explored in twin articles. “Footnotes: A Straight Shot” introduces CS2’s new native support of footnotes–either created within InDesign or imported from Word–and explains how to do footnotes in the upcoming version. And, in “Footnotes: The Long Way Around,” Jamie MacKee explains how to do footnotes today, in InDesign CS.
Olav Martin Kvern muses about “Geeks Bearing Gifts”–the new ExtendScript Toolkit that installs with CS2 products–and explains to the automation minded how scripting InDesign CS2 is now more flexible, simpler, more robust, and more like any scripting and debugging environment should be.
Working with today’s InDesign as well as tomorrow’s, Diane Burns walks through real world examples of using InDesign CS’s transparency blending modes–a must read for anyone who thinks transparency support in InDesign means just drop shadows and no more clipping paths.
If InDesign is your bread and butter, your hobby, or your dream of escape from that other layout application, pick up InDesign Magazine. InDesign Magazine is a richly-designed bi-monthly PDF-only periodical from and Mr. InDesign himself, David Blatner. They’ll even give you a free issue just to check it out.
I downloaded the free magazine today and it is excellent. But Adobe is dreaming if they think I’m going to fork out $10 per issue. The magazine essentially gives Indesign users some design and ‘how to’ tips and information on 3rd party plugins. Frankly most of the tips belong in the manual and from the sound of it the latest issue is prmarily a sales brochure for the new CS2.
If ALAP really forked out $1200 on a full page ad promoting Intools when all they needed was a pointer ad to their website, they’re nuts!